# common ch1p: 'ch1p' site_title: 'ch1p' index_title: 'Home | ch1p' posts: 'posts' all_posts: 'all posts' blog: 'blog' contacts: 'contacts' email: 'email' projects: 'projects' unknown_error: 'Unknown error' error: 'Error' write: 'Write' submit: 'submit' edit: 'edit' delete: 'delete' info_saved: 'Information saved.' toc: 'Table of Contents' # theme switcher theme_auto: 'auto' theme_dark: 'dark' theme_light: 'light' # contacts contacts_email: 'email' contacts_pgp: 'OpenPGP public key' contacts_tg: 'telegram' contacts_freenode: 'freenode' # blog blog_tags: 'tags' blog_latest: 'Latest posts' blog_no: 'No posts yet.' blog_view_all: 'View all' blog_write: 'Write a post' blog_post_delete_confirmation: 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?' blog_post_edit_title: 'Edit post "%s"' blog_post_hidden: 'Hidden' blog_tag_title: 'Posts tagged with "%s"' blog_tag_not_found: 'No posts found.' blog_comments_text: 'If you have any comments, contact me by email.' blog_write_form_preview_btn: 'Preview' blog_write_form_submit_btn: 'Submit' blog_write_form_title: 'Title' blog_write_form_text: 'Text' blog_write_form_preview: 'Preview' blog_write_form_enter_text: 'Enter text..' blog_write_form_enter_title: 'Enter title..' blog_write_form_tags: 'Tags' blog_write_form_visible: 'Visible' blog_write_form_toc: 'ToC' blog_write_form_short_name: 'Short name' blog_write_form_toggle_wrap: 'Toggle wrap' blog_write_form_options: 'Options' blog_uploads: 'Uploads' blog_upload: 'Upload files' blog_upload_delete: 'Delete' blog_upload_delete_confirmation: 'Are you sure you want to delete this upload?' blog_upload_show_md: 'Show md' blog_upload_form_file: 'File' blog_upload_form_custom_name: 'Custom name' blog_upload_form_note: 'Note' # blog (errors) err_blog_no_title: 'Title not specified' err_blog_no_text: 'Text not specified' err_blog_no_tags: 'Tags not specified' err_blog_db_err: 'Database error' err_blog_no_short_name: 'Short name not specified' err_blog_short_name_exists: 'This short name already exists' # pages pages_create: 'create new page' pages_edit: 'edit' pages_delete: 'delete' pages_create_title: 'create new page "%s"' pages_page_delete_confirmation: 'Are you sure you want to delete this page?' pages_page_edit_title: 'Edit %s' pages_write_form_submit_btn: 'Submit' pages_write_form_title: 'Title' pages_write_form_text: 'Text' pages_write_form_enter_text: 'Enter text..' pages_write_form_enter_title: 'Enter title..' pages_write_form_visible: 'Visible' pages_write_form_short_name: 'Short name' pages_write_form_toggle_wrap: 'Toggle wrap' pages_write_form_options: 'Options' # pages (errors) err_pages_no_title: 'Title not specified' err_pages_no_text: 'Text not specified' err_pages_no_id: 'ID not specified' err_pages_no_short_name: 'Short name not specified' err_pages_db_err: 'Database error' # admin-switch admin_title: "Admin" as_form_password: 'Password'