randomId; } public function getDirectUrl(): string { global $config; return 'https://'.$config['uploads_host'].'/'.$this->randomId.'/'.$this->name; } public function getDirectPreviewUrl(int $w, int $h, bool $retina = false): string { global $config; if ($w == $this->imageW && $this->imageH == $h) return $this->getDirectUrl(); if ($retina) { $w *= 2; $h *= 2; } return 'https://'.$config['uploads_host'].'/'.$this->randomId.'/p'.$w.'x'.$h.'.jpg'; } // TODO remove? public function incrementDownloads() { $db = getDb(); $db->query("UPDATE uploads SET downloads=downloads+1 WHERE id=?", $this->id); $this->downloads++; } public function getSize(): string { return sizeString($this->size); } public function getMarkdown(): string { if ($this->isImage()) { $md = '{image:'.$this->randomId.',w='.$this->imageW.',h='.$this->imageH.'}{/image}'; } else if ($this->isVideo()) { $md = '{video:'.$this->randomId.'}{/video}'; } else { $md = '{fileAttach:'.$this->randomId.'}{/fileAttach}'; } $md .= ' '; return $md; } public function setNote(string $note) { $db = getDb(); $db->query("UPDATE uploads SET note=? WHERE id=?", $note, $this->id); } public function isImage(): bool { return in_array(extension($this->name), self::$ImageExtensions); } public function isVideo(): bool { return in_array(extension($this->name), self::$VideoExtensions); } public function getImageRatio(): float { return $this->imageW / $this->imageH; } public function getImagePreviewSize(?int $w = null, ?int $h = null): array { if (is_null($w) && is_null($h)) throw new Exception(__METHOD__.': both width and height can\'t be null'); if (is_null($h)) $h = round($w / $this->getImageRatio()); if (is_null($w)) $w = round($h * $this->getImageRatio()); return [$w, $h]; } /** * @param ?int $w * @param ?int $h * @param bool $update Whether to proceed if preview already exists * @return bool */ public function createImagePreview(?int $w = null, ?int $h = null, bool $update = false): bool { global $config; $orig = $config['uploads_dir'].'/'.$this->randomId.'/'.$this->name; $updated = false; for ($mult = 1; $mult <= 2; $mult++) { $dw = $w * $mult; $dh = $h * $mult; $dst = $config['uploads_dir'].'/'.$this->randomId.'/p'.$dw.'x'.$dh.'.jpg'; if (file_exists($dst)) { if (!$update) continue; unlink($dst); } $img = imageopen($orig); imageresize($img, $dw, $dh, [255, 255, 255]); imagejpeg($img, $dst, $mult == 1 ? 93 : 67); imagedestroy($img); setperm($dst); $updated = true; } return $updated; } /** * @return int Number of deleted files */ public function deleteAllImagePreviews(): int { global $config; $dir = $config['uploads_dir'].'/'.$this->randomId; $files = scandir($dir); $deleted = 0; foreach ($files as $f) { if (preg_match('/^p(\d+)x(\d+)\.jpg$/', $f)) { if (is_file($dir.'/'.$f)) unlink($dir.'/'.$f); else logError('deleteAllImagePreviews: '.$dir.'/'.$f.' is not a file!'); $deleted++; } } return $deleted; } }