This is complete code of website. FEATURES - it's not just blog, you can create any page with any address - posts and pages are written in Markdown: - supports syntax highlighting in code blocks - supports embedding of uploaded files and image resizing - tags - rss feed - dark theme - ultra fast on backend: - written from scratch - no heavy frameworks - no "classic" template engine - vanilla php templates designed from scratch (because why not) - thus, no overhead from templates "compilation" - all strings are transparently escaped unless explicitly specified not to - ultra fast on frontend: - written from scratch - simple readable ECMAScript 5.1 scripts - no modern web bullshit like webpack or babel - simple build system that just works - secure: - CSRF protection - automatic XSS protection in templates - see the "BUG BOUNTY" section below REQUIREMENTS - PHP >= 8.1, with following extensions: - mysqli - gd - MariaDB server - Composer - Node.JS - SCSS compiler, e.g. sassc CONFIGURATION Should be done by copying config.php to config-local.php and modifying config-local.php. INSTALLATION It uses which you'll need to install using Composer, but since that package's manifest is a bit outdated you have to pass `--ignore-platform-reqs` to composer. TODO LOGGING TODO DEPLOYING make deploy BUG BOUNTY I take security very seriously. If you found an exploitable vulnerability in _my_ code, please contact me by email. I'm willing to pay $50 to $500 in crypto (depending on severity) for every discovered vulnerability. LICENSE GPLv3