# bootstrap-5-autocomplete This is a rewrite of https://github.com/Honatas/bootstrap-4-autocomplete for bootstrap v5. ### Example ```js const ac = new Autocomplete(field, { data: [{label: "I'm a label", value: 42}], maximumItems: 5, onSelectItem: ({label, value}) => { console.log("user selected:", label, value); } }); // later, when you need to change the dataset ac.setData([ {label: 'New York JFK', value: 'JFK'}, {label: 'Moscow SVO', value: 'SVO'}, ]); ``` ### Options Options is a JSON object with the following attributes (in alphabetical order): **data**: The data from where autocomplete will lookup items to show. This data has to be an array of JSON objects. The format for every item in the array is: {"label": "This is a text", "value": 42} **dropdownOptions**: It's the same options from Bootstrap's Dropdown, documented [here](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/components/dropdowns/#options). **dropdownClass**: The class of the dropdown-menu element, which is the box that is displayed. Can take a string or an array of strings. **highlightClass**: The class to use when highlighting typed text on items. Only used when highlightTyped is true. Default is text-primary. Can take a string or an array of strings. **highlightTyped**: Wether to highlight (style) typed text on items. Default is true. **maximumItems**: How many items you want to show when the autocomplete is displayed. Default is 5. Set to 0 to display all available items. **onInput** **onSelectItem**: A callback that is fired every time an item is selected. It receives an object in following format: {label: