#!/usr/bin/env node const dotenv = require('dotenv'); dotenv.config(); const token = process.env['TELEGRAM_TOKEN']; const chat_id = process.env['TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID']; const api_key = process.env['BINANCE_API_KEY']; const secret_key = process.env['BINANCE_SECRET_KEY']; const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || "development"; const port = process.env.PORT || 3000; const timeZone = process.env.TIME_ZONE_STRING || 'Asia/Kolkata'; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") { console.log("NODE_ENV development") } else { console.log("NODE_ENV production") } //Indian time string const event = new Date().toLocaleString('en-IN', { timeZone: timeZone, timeZoneName: 'short' }); //sending telegram message const Slim_bot = require('slimbot'); const bot = new Slim_bot(token); //only for heroku port error const express = require('express'); const app = express(); app.all('/', (req, res) => res.send('Bot is Running')); app.listen(port, () => console.log(`${event} - Server started on ${port} port`)); //BinanceWS const binanceApi = require('binance'); const binanceWS = new binanceApi.BinanceWS(true); try { binanceRest = new binanceApi.BinanceRest({ key: api_key, secret: secret_key, recvWindow: 10000 }) binanceWS.onUserData(binanceRest, data => { console.log(`${event} - Session Message: `, data); process_data(data); }, 60000).then(ws => { console.log(`${event} - Monitoring Spot User Order Data for binance.com`); toTelegram(`Binance Spot Order Monitor Started\nthis message shows that you or heroku(if your are using) restart the bot.`) }) } catch (err) { console.error(`${event} - ${err}`) toTelegram(err.toString()) } function fixFloat(floatNum, Precision = 8) { const num = Number.parseFloat(floatNum).toFixed(Precision); const str = num.toString(); return str.replace(/(\.\d+?)0+\b/g, "$1") //fix 20.000 to 20.0 or 0.0000000120 to 0.000000012 } function process_data(data) { let txt; if (data.eventType === 'executionReport') { if (data.executionType === 'NEW') { if (data.orderStatus === 'NEW') { txt = `✅ ✅ ✅\nSpot Order CREATED\nSide: ${data.side}\nSymbol: #${data.symbol}\nPrice: ${fixFloat(data.price)}\nQuantity: ${fixFloat(data.quantity)}\nOrder ID: #ID${data.orderId}` } else if (data.orderStatus === 'REJECTED') { txt = `🚫 🚫 🚫\nSpot Order REJECTED\nSide: ${data.side}\nSymbol: #${data.symbol}\nPrice: ${fixFloat(data.price)}\nQuantity: ${fixFloat(data.quantity)}\nOrder ID: #ID${data.orderId}` } } else if (data.executionType === 'CANCELED') { if (data.orderStatus === 'CANCELED') { txt = `🛑 🛑 🛑\nSpot Order CANCELED\nSide: ${data.side}\nSymbol: #${data.symbol}\nPrice: ${fixFloat(data.price)}\nQuantity: ${fixFloat(data.quantity)}\nOrder ID: #ID${data.orderId}` } } else if (data.executionType === 'TRADE') { if (data.orderStatus === 'PARTIALLY_FILLED') { txt = `💰\nSpot Order PARTIALLY FILLED\nSide: ${data.side}\nSymbol: #${data.symbol}\nPrice: ${fixFloat(data.price)}\nLast Filled: ${fixFloat(data.lastTradeQuantity)}\nRemaining: ${fixFloat(Number(data.quantity) - Number(data.accumulatedQuantity))}\nOrder ID: #ID${data.orderId}` } else if (data.orderStatus === 'FILLED') { txt = `💰 💰 💰\nSpot Order FULLY FILLED\nSide: ${data.side}\nSymbol: #${data.symbol}\nPrice: ${fixFloat(data.price)}\nFilled: ${fixFloat(data.accumulatedQuantity)}\nOrder ID: #ID${data.orderId}` } } else if (['REPLACED', 'EXPIRED', 'PENDING_CANCEL'].includes(data.orderStatus)) { txt = `🚫 🚫 🚫\nSpot Order ${data.orderStatus}\nSide: ${data.side}\nSymbol: #${data.symbol}\nPrice: ${fixFloat(data.price)}\nQuantity: ${fixFloat(data.quantity)}\nOrder ID: #ID${data.orderId}` } else { txt = `⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️\nUndefined\nExecution Type: ${data.executionType}\nOrder Status ${data.orderStatus}\nFull Details:\n${msg}` } toTelegram(txt) } } function toTelegram(text) { let parse_mode = { parse_mode: 'html' }; bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text, parse_mode) .then(message => { //console.log(message); if (message['ok'] === true) { console.log(`${event} - Message send to ${message['result']['chat']['first_name']} via Telegram`) } else if (message['ok'] === false) { console.log(`${event} - something went wrong while sending message to telegram see detailed error below.`) console.error(message) } }); }