#!/usr/bin/env node
const Request = require('request-promise');
const dotenv = require('dotenv');
const token = process.env['TELEGRAM_TOKEN'];
const chat_id = process.env['TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID'];
const api_key = process.env['BINANCE_API_KEY'];
const secret_key = process.env['BINANCE_SECRET_KEY'];
const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || "development";
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
const timeZone = process.env.TIME_ZONE_STRING || 'Asia/Kolkata';
if (NODE_ENV === "development") {
console.log("NODE_ENV development")
} else {
console.log("NODE_ENV production")
//Indian time string
const event = new Date().toLocaleString('en-IN', {
timeZone: timeZone,
timeZoneName: 'short'
//only for heroku port error
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.all('/', (req, res) => res.send('Bot is Running'));
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`${event} - Server started on ${port} port`));
const binanceApi = require('binance');
const binanceWS = new binanceApi.BinanceWS(false);
try {
binanceRest = new binanceApi.BinanceRest({
key: api_key,
secret: secret_key,
recvWindow: 10000
binanceWS.onUserData(binanceRest, data => {
console.log(`${event} - Session Message: `, data);
}, 60000).then(() => {
console.log(`${event} - Monitoring Spot User Order Data for binance.com`);
sendMessage(`Binance Spot Order Monitor Started\nthis message shows that you or heroku(if your are using) restart the bot.`)
} catch (err) {
console.error(`${event} - ${err}`)
function fixFloat(floatNum, Precision = 8) {
const num = Number.parseFloat(floatNum).toFixed(Precision);
const str = num.toString();
return str.replace(/(\.\d+?)0+\b/g, "$1") //fix 20.000 to 20.0 or 0.0000000120 to 0.000000012
function process_data(data) {
let {
e: eventType,
} = data;
let txt;
if (eventType === 'executionReport') {
let {
x: executionType,
s: symbol,
p: price,
q: quantity,
S: side,
o: orderType,
i: orderId,
X: orderStatus,
l: lastTradeQuantity,
z: Cumulative_filled_quantity,
} = data;
let str4 = Trim(symbol, 4)
let str3 = Trim(symbol, 3)
let sy;
if (["USDT", "BUSD", "TUSD", "USDC", "BIDR", "IDRT", "BVND"].includes(str4)) {
sy = str4
if (["BNB", "BTC", "XRP", "TRX", "ETH", "AUD", "BRL", "EUR", "GBP", "RUB", "TRY", "PAX", "DAI", "UAH", "NGN", "VAI"].includes(str3)) {
sy = str3
let total=``;
if (orderType === "MARKET") {
price = Last_price
total = `\nTotal: ${fixFloat(Number(price) * Number(quantity))} ${sy}`
if (executionType === 'NEW') {
if (orderStatus === 'NEW') {
if (orderType === "MARKET") {
txt = `✅ ✅ ✅\nSpot ${orderType} ${side} Order CREATED\nSymbol: #${symbol}\nQuantity: ${fixFloat(quantity)}\nOrder ID: #ID${orderId}`
}else {
txt = `✅ ✅ ✅\nSpot ${orderType} ${side} Order CREATED\nSymbol: #${symbol}\nPrice: ${price}\nQuantity: ${fixFloat(quantity)}${total}\nOrder ID: #ID${orderId}`
} else if (orderStatus === 'REJECTED') {
if (orderType === "MARKET") {
txt = `🚫 🚫 🚫\nSpot ${orderType} ${side} Order CREATED\nSymbol: #${symbol}\nQuantity: ${fixFloat(quantity)}\nOrder ID: #ID${orderId}\nOrder reject reason: #ID${Order_reject_reason}`
}else {
txt = `🚫 🚫 🚫\nSpot ${orderType} ${side} Order REJECTED\nSymbol: #${symbol}\nPrice: ${price}\nQuantity: ${fixFloat(quantity)}${total}\nOrder ID: #ID${orderId}\nOrder reject reason: #ID${Order_reject_reason}`
} else if (executionType === 'CANCELED') {
if (orderStatus === 'CANCELED') {
txt = `❎ ❎ ❎\nSpot ${orderType} ${side} Order CANCELED\nSymbol: #${symbol}\nPrice: ${price}\nQuantity: ${fixFloat(quantity)}${total}\nOrder ID: #ID${orderId}`
} else if (executionType === 'TRADE') {
if (orderStatus === 'PARTIALLY_FILLED') {
txt = `⌛ ⌛ ⌛\nSpot ${orderType} ${side} Order PARTIALLY FILLED\nSymbol: #${symbol}\nPrice: ${Last_price}\nLast Filled: ${fixFloat(lastTradeQuantity)}\nTotal Filled: ${fixFloat(Cumulative_filled_quantity)}\nRemaining: ${fixFloat(Number(quantity) - Number(Cumulative_filled_quantity))}\nOrder ID: #ID${orderId}`
} else if (orderStatus === 'FILLED') {
txt = `💰 💰 💰\nSpot ${orderType} ${side} Order FULLY FILLED\nSymbol: #${symbol}\nPrice: ${Last_price}\nFilled: ${fixFloat(Cumulative_filled_quantity)}${total}\nOrder ID: #ID${orderId}`
} else if (['REPLACED', 'EXPIRED', 'PENDING_CANCEL'].includes(orderStatus)) {
txt = `🔴 🟡 🔵\nSpot ${orderType} ${side} Order ${orderStatus}\nSymbol: #${symbol}\nPrice: ${price}\nQuantity: ${fixFloat(quantity)}${total}\nOrder ID: #ID${orderId}`
} else {
txt = `⚠️ ⚠️⚠️\nUndefined\nExecution Type: ${executionType}\nOrder Status ${orderStatus}\nFull Details:\n${data}`
//sending telegram message
function sendMessage(text) {
let params = {
chat_id: chat_id,
text: text,
parse_mode: 'html'
let options = {
uri: 'https://api.telegram.org/bot' + token + '/' + 'sendMessage',
qs: params,
simple: false,
resolveWithFullResponse: true,
forever: true
return Request(options).then(resp => {
if (resp.statusCode !== 200) {
throw new Error(resp.statusCode + ':\n' + resp.body);
let updates = JSON.parse(resp.body);
if (updates.ok) {
console.log("Message send via Telegram")
return updates;
} else {
console.log(`something went wrong while sending message to telegram see detailed error below.`)
return null;
}).catch(error => {
throw error;
function Trim(input, last_n_chr) {
if (!input || !input.length) {
let l = input.length - last_n_chr
return input.slice(l);