{ "name": "binance-spot-order-notifier", "description": "Binance does not currently offer notifications when orders are created, cancelled or fulfilled etc.. With this repo you will receive telegram notifications for your binance spot order status.", "logo": "https://i.ibb.co/WGZzx6r/Binance-Coin-BNB-icon.png", "repository": "https://github.com/PiyushDixit96/binance-order-notifier.git", "keywords": ["node", "binance","bot","market","maker","algo","crypto","spot","order","notifier","notification"], "env": { "BINANCE_API_KEY": { "description": "Your Binance API Key", "required": true }, "BINANCE_SECRET_KEY": { "description": "Your Binance API Secret", "required": true }, "TELEGRAM_TOKEN": { "description": "Telegram Key for your bot (To create one follow https://core.telegram.org/bots#6-botfather )", "required": true }, "TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID": { "description": "Unique identifier for the target chat, Your Telegram Chat ID ", "required": true }, "TIME_ZONE_STRING": { "description": "your local TIME ZONE STRING, default is 'Asia/Kolkata'", "required": false } } }