Welcome to Binance Spot Order Notifier(NodeJS) via Telegram👋

Binance order notification when order created, cancelled or filled etc.. With this repo you will receive telegram notification for your binance spot order status.

Version License: MIT Twitter: PiyushDixit_

## Please contact us for Future Order notification bot. Telegram: [@Killer_PD](https://t.me/Killer_PD)

Deploy to Heroku

[![Deploy](https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.svg)](https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/PiyushDixit96/binance-order-notifier) ```diff - when new commit/update happens, you need to create new heroku app using Deploy to heroku button, - So that you can use the new feature. ``` ------------

Setup before Deploy to Heroku


1. Create account on Telegram (skip if you have) 2. Create Telegram Bot Goto [Bot help](https://core.telegram.org/bots#3-how-do-i-create-a-bot) follow steps at the END Copy **TOKEN** 3. Open created Bot and click **START** 4. Goto [@getuseridbot](https://t.me/getuseridbot) and click **START** and copy **NUMERIC VALUE** this is your **CHAT ID**


1. [Signup](https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=35219097) for Binance (skip if you have) 2. Enable Two-factor Authentication (skip if you're done already) 3. Go API Center, [Create New](https://www.binance.com/en/my/settings/api-management?ref=35219097) Api Key and follow steps and at the END, SET API restrictions to **ENABLE READING ** only 4. **Copy API Key and Secret Key** save and Notepad for later use


1. Create account on Heroku (skip if you have) 2. Login to Heroku (if you are not) 3. Click [![Deploy](https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.svg)](https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/PiyushDixit96/binance-order-notifier) ![fullUntitled](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79581397/117697809-89587b00-b1e0-11eb-98d3-3086f973ce84.jpg) 5. Give any name in "App name" field 6. Fill required fields in "Config Vars" 7. Click "Deploy app" 8. When you see , "Your app was successfully deployed." then your bot started automatically. 9. `important step for preventing idling heroku app`. Click "View" and copy URL when new tab open in your browser ![DSCapture](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79581397/117698015-d1779d80-b1e0-11eb-8b57-0224ab96e3ee.JPG) 10. Goto [UptimeRobot](https://uptimerobot.com/) and Create free account 11. Click "Add New Monitor" 12. Monitor Type : HTTPS 13. Friendly Name : any name 14. URL (or IP): paste URL of your app. (you copy URL in Step 8) 15. Monitoring Interval : 20 minutes 16. Click " Create Monitor " 17. Now Enjoy ------------ >

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!

------------ ### Run Locally - Download and install NodeJs - Download Repo and open Repo root folder. - Create .env in root folder and copy , paste below code ```sh TELEGRAM_TOKEN="you telegram token" TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID="your telegram chat id" BINANCE_API_KEY="binance api key" BINANCE_SECRET_KEY="binance api secret" ``` - Edit required fields in .env file and save - Open terminal on current folder - Run this command to install `npm install` - Run this to start `npm start` ## Author 👤 **Piyush Dixit** * Twitter: [@PiyushDixit\_](https://twitter.com/PiyushDixit_) * Github: [@PiyushDixit96](https://github.com/PiyushDixit96) * Telegram: [@Killer_PD](https://t.me/Killer_PD) ## Show your support Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you! ## Donate If this library helped you out feel free to donate. - BTC: bc1qqewkmv335jdrt0jz6rn9sdm4jltd60qfw24fr9 - ETH: 0xE7212AAD5A8cE7eb02eF9Bee05332A679811dAf1 - NEO: AUp6giUAxQ3Y3RY8bUCuHrTa7HU25Ltuh4 - BNB: bnb1h6gylq3xgrxmw7t8k2r8e0xn7rquefeqjfcanx ## 📝 License Copyright © 2021 [@PiyushDixit96](https://github.com/PiyushDixit96).
This project is [MIT](https://github.com/PiyushDixit96/binance-order-notifier/blob/main/LICENSE) licensed. ***