/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package com.android.dialershared.bubble; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorSet; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.app.PendingIntent.CanceledException; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.graphics.PixelFormat; import android.graphics.drawable.Animatable; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.graphics.drawable.RippleDrawable; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Build.VERSION; import android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES; import android.os.Handler; import android.provider.Settings; import android.support.annotation.ColorInt; import android.support.annotation.IntDef; import android.support.annotation.NonNull; import android.support.annotation.Nullable; import android.support.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import android.support.v4.graphics.ColorUtils; import android.support.v4.os.BuildCompat; import android.support.v4.view.animation.FastOutLinearInInterpolator; import android.support.v4.view.animation.LinearOutSlowInInterpolator; import android.transition.TransitionManager; import android.transition.TransitionValues; import android.view.ContextThemeWrapper; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams; import android.view.ViewPropertyAnimator; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams; import android.view.animation.AnticipateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.OvershootInterpolator; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.ViewAnimator; import com.android.dialershared.bubble.BubbleInfo.Action; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.List; /** * Creates and manages a bubble window from information in a {@link BubbleInfo}. Before creating, be * sure to check whether bubbles may be shown using {@link #canShowBubbles(Context)} and request * permission if necessary ({@link #getRequestPermissionIntent(Context)} is provided for * convenience) */ public class Bubble { // This class has some odd behavior that is not immediately obvious in order to avoid jank when // resizing. See http://go/bubble-resize for details. // How long text should show after showText(CharSequence) is called private static final int SHOW_TEXT_DURATION_MILLIS = 3000; // How long the new window should show before destroying the old one during resize operations. // This ensures the new window has had time to draw first. private static final int WINDOW_REDRAW_DELAY_MILLIS = 50; private static Boolean canShowBubblesForTesting = null; private final Context context; private final WindowManager windowManager; private LayoutParams windowParams; // Initialized in factory method @SuppressWarnings("NullableProblems") @NonNull private BubbleInfo currentInfo; @Visibility private int visibility; private boolean expanded; private boolean textShowing; private boolean hideAfterText; private int collapseEndAction; private final Handler handler = new Handler(); @VisibleForTesting ViewHolder viewHolder; private ViewPropertyAnimator collapseAnimation; private Integer overrideGravity; private ViewPropertyAnimator exitAnimator; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef({CollapseEnd.NOTHING, CollapseEnd.HIDE}) private @interface CollapseEnd { int NOTHING = 0; int HIDE = 1; } @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef({Visibility.ENTERING, Visibility.SHOWING, Visibility.EXITING, Visibility.HIDDEN}) private @interface Visibility { int HIDDEN = 0; int ENTERING = 1; int SHOWING = 2; int EXITING = 3; } /** * Determines whether bubbles can be shown based on permissions obtained. This should be checked * before attempting to create a Bubble. * * @return true iff bubbles are able to be shown. * @see Settings#canDrawOverlays(Context) */ public static boolean canShowBubbles(@NonNull Context context) { return canShowBubblesForTesting != null ? canShowBubblesForTesting : VERSION.SDK_INT < VERSION_CODES.M || Settings.canDrawOverlays(context); } @VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.NONE) public static void setCanShowBubblesForTesting(boolean canShowBubbles) { canShowBubblesForTesting = canShowBubbles; } /** Returns an Intent to request permission to show overlays */ @NonNull public static Intent getRequestPermissionIntent(@NonNull Context context) { return new Intent( Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION, Uri.fromParts("package", context.getPackageName(), null)); } /** Creates instances of Bubble. The default implementation just calls the constructor. */ @VisibleForTesting public interface BubbleFactory { Bubble createBubble(@NonNull Context context); } private static BubbleFactory bubbleFactory = Bubble::new; public static Bubble createBubble(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull BubbleInfo info) { Bubble bubble = bubbleFactory.createBubble(context); bubble.setBubbleInfo(info); return bubble; } @VisibleForTesting public static void setBubbleFactory(@NonNull BubbleFactory bubbleFactory) { Bubble.bubbleFactory = bubbleFactory; } @VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE) Bubble(@NonNull Context context) { context = new ContextThemeWrapper(context, R.style.Theme_AppCompat); this.context = context; windowManager = context.getSystemService(WindowManager.class); viewHolder = new ViewHolder(context); } /** * Make the bubble visible. Will show a short entrance animation as it enters. If the bubble is * already showing this method does nothing. */ public void show() { if (collapseEndAction == CollapseEnd.HIDE) { // If show() was called while collapsing, make sure we don't hide after. collapseEndAction = CollapseEnd.NOTHING; } if (visibility == Visibility.SHOWING || visibility == Visibility.ENTERING) { return; } hideAfterText = false; if (windowParams == null) { // Apps targeting O+ must use TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY, which is not available prior to O. @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @SuppressLint("InlinedApi") int type = BuildCompat.isAtLeastO() ? LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY : LayoutParams.TYPE_PHONE; windowParams = new LayoutParams( type, LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL | LayoutParams.FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH | LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE | LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS, PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT); windowParams.gravity = Gravity.TOP | Gravity.LEFT; windowParams.x = context.getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.bubble_safe_margin_x); windowParams.y = currentInfo.getStartingYPosition(); windowParams.height = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; windowParams.width = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; } if (exitAnimator != null) { exitAnimator.cancel(); exitAnimator = null; } else { windowManager.addView(viewHolder.getRoot(), windowParams); viewHolder.getPrimaryButton().setScaleX(0); viewHolder.getPrimaryButton().setScaleY(0); } visibility = Visibility.ENTERING; viewHolder .getPrimaryButton() .animate() .setInterpolator(new OvershootInterpolator()) .scaleX(1) .scaleY(1) .withEndAction(() -> visibility = Visibility.SHOWING) .start(); updatePrimaryIconAnimation(); } /** * Hide the button if visible. Will run a short exit animation before hiding. If the bubble is * currently showing text, will hide after the text is done displaying. If the bubble is not * visible this method does nothing. */ public void hide() { if (visibility == Visibility.HIDDEN || visibility == Visibility.EXITING) { return; } if (textShowing) { hideAfterText = true; return; } if (collapseAnimation != null) { collapseEndAction = CollapseEnd.HIDE; return; } if (expanded) { startCollapse(CollapseEnd.HIDE); return; } visibility = Visibility.EXITING; exitAnimator = viewHolder .getPrimaryButton() .animate() .setInterpolator(new AnticipateInterpolator()) .scaleX(0) .scaleY(0) .withEndAction( () -> { exitAnimator = null; windowManager.removeView(viewHolder.getRoot()); visibility = Visibility.HIDDEN; updatePrimaryIconAnimation(); }); exitAnimator.start(); } /** Returns whether the bubble is currently visible */ public boolean isVisible() { return visibility == Visibility.SHOWING || visibility == Visibility.ENTERING || visibility == Visibility.EXITING; } /** * Set the info for this Bubble to display * * @param bubbleInfo the BubbleInfo to display in this Bubble. */ public void setBubbleInfo(@NonNull BubbleInfo bubbleInfo) { currentInfo = bubbleInfo; update(); } /** * Update the state and behavior of actions. * * @param actions the new state of the bubble's actions */ public void updateActions(@NonNull List actions) { currentInfo = BubbleInfo.from(currentInfo).setActions(actions).build(); updateButtonStates(); } /** Returns the currently displayed BubbleInfo */ public BubbleInfo getBubbleInfo() { return currentInfo; } /** * Display text in the main bubble. The bubble's drawer is not expandable while text is showing, * and the drawer will be closed if already open. * * @param text the text to display to the user */ public void showText(@NonNull CharSequence text) { textShowing = true; if (expanded) { startCollapse(CollapseEnd.NOTHING); doShowText(text); } else { // Need to transition from old bounds to new bounds manually ChangeOnScreenBounds transition = new ChangeOnScreenBounds(); // Prepare and capture start values TransitionValues startValues = new TransitionValues(); startValues.view = viewHolder.getPrimaryButton(); transition.addTarget(startValues.view); transition.captureStartValues(startValues); doResize( () -> { doShowText(text); // Hide the text so we can animate it in viewHolder.getPrimaryText().setAlpha(0); ViewAnimator primaryButton = viewHolder.getPrimaryButton(); // Cancel the automatic transition scheduled in doShowText TransitionManager.endTransitions((ViewGroup) primaryButton.getParent()); primaryButton .getViewTreeObserver() .addOnPreDrawListener( new OnPreDrawListener() { @Override public boolean onPreDraw() { primaryButton.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this); // Prepare and capture end values, always use the size of primaryText since // its invisibility makes primaryButton smaller than expected TransitionValues endValues = new TransitionValues(); endValues.values.put( ChangeOnScreenBounds.PROPNAME_WIDTH, viewHolder.getPrimaryText().getWidth()); endValues.values.put( ChangeOnScreenBounds.PROPNAME_HEIGHT, viewHolder.getPrimaryText().getHeight()); endValues.view = primaryButton; transition.addTarget(endValues.view); transition.captureEndValues(endValues); // animate the primary button bounds change Animator bounds = transition.createAnimator(primaryButton, startValues, endValues); // Animate the text in Animator alpha = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(viewHolder.getPrimaryText(), View.ALPHA, 1f); AnimatorSet set = new AnimatorSet(); set.play(bounds).before(alpha); set.start(); return false; } }); }); } handler.removeCallbacks(null); handler.postDelayed( () -> { textShowing = false; if (hideAfterText) { hide(); } else { doResize( () -> viewHolder.getPrimaryButton().setDisplayedChild(ViewHolder.CHILD_INDEX_ICON)); } }, SHOW_TEXT_DURATION_MILLIS); } @Nullable Integer getGravityOverride() { return overrideGravity; } void onMoveStart() { startCollapse(CollapseEnd.NOTHING); viewHolder .getPrimaryButton() .animate() .translationZ( context.getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.bubble_move_elevation_change)); } void onMoveFinish() { viewHolder.getPrimaryButton().animate().translationZ(0); // If it's GONE, no resize is necessary. If it's VISIBLE, it will get cleaned up when the // collapse animation finishes if (viewHolder.getExpandedView().getVisibility() == View.INVISIBLE) { doResize(null); } } void primaryButtonClick() { if (expanded || textShowing || currentInfo.getActions().isEmpty()) { try { currentInfo.getPrimaryIntent().send(); } catch (CanceledException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return; } doResize( () -> { onLeftRightSwitch(isDrawingFromRight()); viewHolder.setDrawerVisibility(View.VISIBLE); }); View expandedView = viewHolder.getExpandedView(); expandedView .getViewTreeObserver() .addOnPreDrawListener( new OnPreDrawListener() { @Override public boolean onPreDraw() { expandedView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this); expandedView.setTranslationX( isDrawingFromRight() ? expandedView.getWidth() : -expandedView.getWidth()); expandedView .animate() .setInterpolator(new LinearOutSlowInInterpolator()) .translationX(0); return false; } }); setFocused(true); expanded = true; } void onLeftRightSwitch(boolean onRight) { if (viewHolder.isMoving()) { if (viewHolder.getExpandedView().getVisibility() == View.GONE) { // If the drawer is not part of the layout we don't need to do anything. Layout flips will // happen if necessary when opening the drawer. return; } } viewHolder .getRoot() .setLayoutDirection(onRight ? View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL : View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR); View primaryContainer = viewHolder.getRoot().findViewById(R.id.bubble_primary_container); ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = primaryContainer.getLayoutParams(); ((FrameLayout.LayoutParams) layoutParams).gravity = onRight ? Gravity.RIGHT : Gravity.LEFT; primaryContainer.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); viewHolder .getExpandedView() .setBackgroundResource( onRight ? R.drawable.bubble_background_pill_rtl : R.drawable.bubble_background_pill_ltr); } LayoutParams getWindowParams() { return windowParams; } View getRootView() { return viewHolder.getRoot(); } private void update() { RippleDrawable backgroundRipple = (RippleDrawable) context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.bubble_ripple_circle, context.getTheme()); int primaryTint = ColorUtils.compositeColors( context.getColor(R.color.bubble_primary_background_darken), currentInfo.getPrimaryColor()); backgroundRipple.getDrawable(0).setTint(primaryTint); viewHolder.getPrimaryButton().setBackground(backgroundRipple); setBackgroundDrawable(viewHolder.getFirstButton(), primaryTint); setBackgroundDrawable(viewHolder.getSecondButton(), primaryTint); setBackgroundDrawable(viewHolder.getThirdButton(), primaryTint); int numButtons = currentInfo.getActions().size(); viewHolder.getThirdButton().setVisibility(numButtons < 3 ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); viewHolder.getSecondButton().setVisibility(numButtons < 2 ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); viewHolder.getPrimaryIcon().setImageIcon(currentInfo.getPrimaryIcon()); updatePrimaryIconAnimation(); viewHolder .getExpandedView() .setBackgroundTintList(ColorStateList.valueOf(currentInfo.getPrimaryColor())); updateButtonStates(); } private void updatePrimaryIconAnimation() { Drawable drawable = viewHolder.getPrimaryIcon().getDrawable(); if (drawable instanceof Animatable) { if (isVisible()) { ((Animatable) drawable).start(); } else { ((Animatable) drawable).stop(); } } } private void setBackgroundDrawable(CheckableImageButton view, @ColorInt int color) { RippleDrawable itemRipple = (RippleDrawable) context .getResources() .getDrawable(R.drawable.bubble_ripple_checkable_circle, context.getTheme()); itemRipple.getDrawable(0).setTint(color); view.setBackground(itemRipple); } private void updateButtonStates() { int numButtons = currentInfo.getActions().size(); if (numButtons >= 1) { configureButton(currentInfo.getActions().get(0), viewHolder.getFirstButton()); if (numButtons >= 2) { configureButton(currentInfo.getActions().get(1), viewHolder.getSecondButton()); if (numButtons >= 3) { configureButton(currentInfo.getActions().get(2), viewHolder.getThirdButton()); } } } } private void doShowText(@NonNull CharSequence text) { TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition((ViewGroup) viewHolder.getPrimaryButton().getParent()); viewHolder.getPrimaryText().setText(text); viewHolder.getPrimaryButton().setDisplayedChild(ViewHolder.CHILD_INDEX_TEXT); } private void configureButton(Action action, CheckableImageButton button) { action .getIcon() .loadDrawableAsync( context, d -> { button.setImageIcon(action.getIcon()); button.setContentDescription(action.getName()); button.setChecked(action.isChecked()); button.setEnabled(action.isEnabled()); }, handler); button.setOnClickListener(v -> doAction(action)); } private void doAction(Action action) { try { action.getIntent().send(); } catch (CanceledException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void doResize(@Nullable Runnable operation) { // If we're resizing on the right side of the screen, there is an implicit move operation // necessary. The WindowManager does not sync the move and resize operations, so serious jank // would occur. To fix this, instead of resizing the window, we create a new one and destroy // the old one. There is a short delay before destroying the old view to ensure the new one has // had time to draw. ViewHolder oldViewHolder = viewHolder; if (isDrawingFromRight()) { viewHolder = new ViewHolder(oldViewHolder.getRoot().getContext()); update(); viewHolder .getPrimaryButton() .setDisplayedChild(oldViewHolder.getPrimaryButton().getDisplayedChild()); viewHolder.getPrimaryText().setText(oldViewHolder.getPrimaryText().getText()); } if (operation != null) { operation.run(); } if (isDrawingFromRight()) { swapViewHolders(oldViewHolder); } } private void swapViewHolders(ViewHolder oldViewHolder) { oldViewHolder.getShadowProvider().setVisibility(View.GONE); ViewGroup root = viewHolder.getRoot(); windowManager.addView(root, windowParams); root.getViewTreeObserver() .addOnPreDrawListener( new OnPreDrawListener() { @Override public boolean onPreDraw() { root.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this); // Wait a bit before removing the old view; make sure the new one has drawn over it. handler.postDelayed( () -> windowManager.removeView(oldViewHolder.getRoot()), WINDOW_REDRAW_DELAY_MILLIS); return true; } }); } private void startCollapse(@CollapseEnd int endAction) { View expandedView = viewHolder.getExpandedView(); if (expandedView.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE || collapseAnimation != null) { // Drawer is already collapsed or animation is running. return; } overrideGravity = isDrawingFromRight() ? Gravity.RIGHT : Gravity.LEFT; setFocused(false); if (collapseEndAction == CollapseEnd.NOTHING) { collapseEndAction = endAction; } collapseAnimation = expandedView .animate() .translationX(isDrawingFromRight() ? expandedView.getWidth() : -expandedView.getWidth()) .setInterpolator(new FastOutLinearInInterpolator()) .withEndAction( () -> { collapseAnimation = null; expanded = false; if (textShowing) { // Will do resize once the text is done. return; } // Hide the drawer and resize if possible. viewHolder.setDrawerVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); if (!viewHolder.isMoving() || !isDrawingFromRight()) { doResize(() -> viewHolder.setDrawerVisibility(View.GONE)); } // If this collapse was to come before a hide, do it now. if (collapseEndAction == CollapseEnd.HIDE) { hide(); } collapseEndAction = CollapseEnd.NOTHING; // Resume normal gravity after any resizing is done. handler.postDelayed( () -> { overrideGravity = null; if (!viewHolder.isMoving()) { viewHolder.undoGravityOverride(); } }, // Need to wait twice as long for resize and layout WINDOW_REDRAW_DELAY_MILLIS * 2); }); } private boolean isDrawingFromRight() { return (windowParams.gravity & Gravity.RIGHT) == Gravity.RIGHT; } private void setFocused(boolean focused) { if (focused) { windowParams.flags &= ~LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE; } else { windowParams.flags |= LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE; } windowManager.updateViewLayout(getRootView(), windowParams); } @VisibleForTesting class ViewHolder { public static final int CHILD_INDEX_ICON = 0; public static final int CHILD_INDEX_TEXT = 1; private MoveHandler moveHandler; private final WindowRoot root; private final ViewAnimator primaryButton; private final ImageView primaryIcon; private final TextView primaryText; private final CheckableImageButton firstButton; private final CheckableImageButton secondButton; private final CheckableImageButton thirdButton; private final View expandedView; private final View shadowProvider; public ViewHolder(Context context) { // Window root is not in the layout file so that the inflater has a view to inflate into this.root = new WindowRoot(context); LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(root.getContext()); View contentView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.bubble_base, root, true); expandedView = contentView.findViewById(R.id.bubble_expanded_layout); primaryButton = contentView.findViewById(R.id.bubble_button_primary); primaryIcon = contentView.findViewById(R.id.bubble_icon_primary); primaryText = contentView.findViewById(R.id.bubble_text); shadowProvider = contentView.findViewById(R.id.bubble_drawer_shadow_provider); firstButton = contentView.findViewById(R.id.bubble_icon_first); secondButton = contentView.findViewById(R.id.bubble_icon_second); thirdButton = contentView.findViewById(R.id.bubble_icon_third); root.setOnBackPressedListener( () -> { if (visibility == Visibility.SHOWING && expanded) { startCollapse(CollapseEnd.NOTHING); return true; } return false; }); root.setOnConfigurationChangedListener( (configuration) -> { // The values in the current MoveHandler may be stale, so replace it. Then ensure the // Window is in bounds moveHandler = new MoveHandler(primaryButton, Bubble.this); moveHandler.snapToBounds(); }); root.setOnTouchListener( (v, event) -> { if (expanded && event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_OUTSIDE) { startCollapse(CollapseEnd.NOTHING); return true; } return false; }); expandedView .getViewTreeObserver() .addOnDrawListener( () -> { int translationX = (int) expandedView.getTranslationX(); int parentOffset = ((MarginLayoutParams) ((ViewGroup) expandedView.getParent()).getLayoutParams()) .leftMargin; if (isDrawingFromRight()) { int maxLeft = shadowProvider.getRight() - context.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bubble_size); shadowProvider.setLeft( Math.min(maxLeft, expandedView.getLeft() + translationX + parentOffset)); } else { int minRight = shadowProvider.getLeft() + context.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bubble_size); shadowProvider.setRight( Math.max(minRight, expandedView.getRight() + translationX + parentOffset)); } }); moveHandler = new MoveHandler(primaryButton, Bubble.this); } public ViewGroup getRoot() { return root; } public ViewAnimator getPrimaryButton() { return primaryButton; } public ImageView getPrimaryIcon() { return primaryIcon; } public TextView getPrimaryText() { return primaryText; } public CheckableImageButton getFirstButton() { return firstButton; } public CheckableImageButton getSecondButton() { return secondButton; } public CheckableImageButton getThirdButton() { return thirdButton; } public View getExpandedView() { return expandedView; } public View getShadowProvider() { return shadowProvider; } public void setDrawerVisibility(int visibility) { expandedView.setVisibility(visibility); shadowProvider.setVisibility(visibility); } public boolean isMoving() { return moveHandler.isMoving(); } public void undoGravityOverride() { moveHandler.undoGravityOverride(); } } }