syntax = "proto2"; option java_package = ""; option java_multiple_files = true; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; package; // Contains information about a phone number, possibly from many sources. // // This message is organized into sub-messages where each sub-message // corresponds to an implementation of PhoneLookup. For example, the Cp2Info // corresponds to Cp2PhoneLookup class, and the Cp2PhoneLookup class alone is // responsible for populating its fields. message PhoneLookupInfo { // Information about a PhoneNumber retrieved from CP2. Cp2PhoneLookup is // responsible for populating the data in this message. message Cp2Info { optional string name = 1; optional string photo_uri = 2; optional fixed64 photo_id = 3; optional string label = 4; // "Home", "Mobile", ect. } optional Cp2Info cp2_info = 1; }