/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package com.android.dialer.phonelookup.database; import android.content.ContentProvider; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.UriMatcher; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.DatabaseUtils; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder; import android.net.Uri; import android.support.annotation.NonNull; import android.support.annotation.Nullable; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.android.dialer.common.Assert; import com.android.dialer.common.LogUtil; import com.android.dialer.phonelookup.database.contract.PhoneLookupHistoryContract; import com.android.dialer.phonelookup.database.contract.PhoneLookupHistoryContract.PhoneLookupHistory; /** * {@link ContentProvider} for the PhoneLookupHistory. * *

Operations may run against the entire table using the URI: * *

 *   content://com.android.dialer.phonelookuphistory/PhoneLookupHistory
* *

Or against an individual row keyed by normalized number where the number is the last component * in the URI path, for example: * *

 *     content://com.android.dialer.phonelookuphistory/PhoneLookupHistory/+11234567890
*/ public class PhoneLookupHistoryContentProvider extends ContentProvider { /** * We sometimes run queries where we potentially pass numbers into a where clause using the * (?,?,?,...) syntax. The maximum number of host parameters is 999, so that's the maximum size * this table can be. See https://www.sqlite.org/limits.html for more details. */ private static final int MAX_ROWS = 999; // For operations against: content://com.android.dialer.phonelookuphistory/PhoneLookupHistory private static final int PHONE_LOOKUP_HISTORY_TABLE_CODE = 1; // For operations against: content://com.android.dialer.phonelookuphistory/PhoneLookupHistory/+123 private static final int PHONE_LOOKUP_HISTORY_TABLE_ID_CODE = 2; private static final UriMatcher uriMatcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH); static { uriMatcher.addURI( PhoneLookupHistoryContract.AUTHORITY, PhoneLookupHistory.TABLE, PHONE_LOOKUP_HISTORY_TABLE_CODE); uriMatcher.addURI( PhoneLookupHistoryContract.AUTHORITY, PhoneLookupHistory.TABLE + "/*", // The last path component should be a normalized number PHONE_LOOKUP_HISTORY_TABLE_ID_CODE); } private PhoneLookupHistoryDatabaseHelper databaseHelper; @Override public boolean onCreate() { databaseHelper = new PhoneLookupHistoryDatabaseHelper(getContext(), MAX_ROWS); return true; } @Nullable @Override public Cursor query( @NonNull Uri uri, @Nullable String[] projection, @Nullable String selection, @Nullable String[] selectionArgs, @Nullable String sortOrder) { SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase(); SQLiteQueryBuilder queryBuilder = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); queryBuilder.setTables(PhoneLookupHistory.TABLE); int match = uriMatcher.match(uri); switch (match) { case PHONE_LOOKUP_HISTORY_TABLE_ID_CODE: queryBuilder.appendWhere( PhoneLookupHistory.NORMALIZED_NUMBER + "=" + DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(uri.getLastPathSegment())); // fall through case PHONE_LOOKUP_HISTORY_TABLE_CODE: Cursor cursor = queryBuilder.query(db, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null, null, sortOrder); if (cursor == null) { LogUtil.w("PhoneLookupHistoryContentProvider.query", "cursor was null"); return null; } cursor.setNotificationUri( getContext().getContentResolver(), PhoneLookupHistory.CONTENT_URI); return cursor; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown uri: " + uri); } } @Nullable @Override public String getType(@NonNull Uri uri) { return PhoneLookupHistory.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; } @Nullable @Override public Uri insert(@NonNull Uri uri, @Nullable ContentValues values) { // Javadoc states values is not nullable, even though it is annotated as such (a bug)! Assert.checkArgument(values != null); SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); int match = uriMatcher.match(uri); switch (match) { case PHONE_LOOKUP_HISTORY_TABLE_CODE: Assert.checkArgument( !TextUtils.isEmpty(values.getAsString(PhoneLookupHistory.NORMALIZED_NUMBER)), "You must specify a normalized number when inserting"); break; case PHONE_LOOKUP_HISTORY_TABLE_ID_CODE: String normalizedNumberFromUri = uri.getLastPathSegment(); String normalizedNumberFromValues = values.getAsString(PhoneLookupHistory.NORMALIZED_NUMBER); Assert.checkArgument( normalizedNumberFromValues == null || normalizedNumberFromValues.equals(normalizedNumberFromUri), "NORMALIZED_NUMBER from values %s does not match normalized number from URI: %s", LogUtil.sanitizePhoneNumber(normalizedNumberFromValues), LogUtil.sanitizePhoneNumber(normalizedNumberFromUri)); if (normalizedNumberFromValues == null) { values.put(PhoneLookupHistory.NORMALIZED_NUMBER, normalizedNumberFromUri); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown uri: " + uri); } // Note: The id returned for a successful insert isn't actually part of the table. long id = database.insert(PhoneLookupHistory.TABLE, null, values); if (id < 0) { LogUtil.w( "PhoneLookupHistoryContentProvider.insert", "error inserting row with number: %s", LogUtil.sanitizePhoneNumber(values.getAsString(PhoneLookupHistory.NORMALIZED_NUMBER))); return null; } Uri insertedUri = PhoneLookupHistory.CONTENT_URI .buildUpon() .appendEncodedPath(values.getAsString(PhoneLookupHistory.NORMALIZED_NUMBER)) .build(); notifyChange(insertedUri); return insertedUri; } @Override public int delete( @NonNull Uri uri, @Nullable String selection, @Nullable String[] selectionArgs) { SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); final int match = uriMatcher.match(uri); switch (match) { case PHONE_LOOKUP_HISTORY_TABLE_CODE: break; case PHONE_LOOKUP_HISTORY_TABLE_ID_CODE: Assert.checkArgument(selection == null, "Do not specify selection when deleting by number"); Assert.checkArgument( selectionArgs == null, "Do not specify selection args when deleting by number"); String number = uri.getLastPathSegment(); Assert.checkArgument(!TextUtils.isEmpty(number), "error parsing number from uri: %s", uri); selection = PhoneLookupHistory.NORMALIZED_NUMBER + "= ?"; selectionArgs = new String[] {number}; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown uri: " + uri); } int rows = database.delete(PhoneLookupHistory.TABLE, selection, selectionArgs); if (rows == 0) { LogUtil.w("PhoneLookupHistoryContentProvider.delete", "no rows deleted"); return rows; } notifyChange(uri); return rows; } @Override public int update( @NonNull Uri uri, @Nullable ContentValues values, @Nullable String selection, @Nullable String[] selectionArgs) { // Javadoc states values is not nullable, even though it is annotated as such (a bug)! Assert.checkArgument(values != null); SQLiteDatabase database = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); int match = uriMatcher.match(uri); switch (match) { case PHONE_LOOKUP_HISTORY_TABLE_CODE: break; case PHONE_LOOKUP_HISTORY_TABLE_ID_CODE: Assert.checkArgument( !values.containsKey(PhoneLookupHistory.NORMALIZED_NUMBER), "Do not specify number in values when updating by number"); Assert.checkArgument(selection == null, "Do not specify selection when updating by ID"); Assert.checkArgument( selectionArgs == null, "Do not specify selection args when updating by ID"); selection = PhoneLookupHistory.NORMALIZED_NUMBER + "= ?"; selectionArgs = new String[] {uri.getLastPathSegment()}; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown uri: " + uri); } int rows = database.update(PhoneLookupHistory.TABLE, values, selection, selectionArgs); if (rows == 0) { LogUtil.w("PhoneLookupHistoryContentProvider.update", "no rows updated"); return rows; } notifyChange(uri); return rows; } private void notifyChange(Uri uri) { getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null); } }