/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package com.android.dialer.metrics; import android.app.Application; /** Logs metrics. */ public interface Metrics { String APPLICATION_ON_CREATE_EVENT_NAME = "Application.onCreate"; String DIALTACTS_ON_CREATE_EVENT_NAME = "GoogleDialtactsActivity.onCreate"; String MAIN_ACTIVITY_ON_CREATE_EVENT_NAME = "GoogleMainActivity.onCreate"; String ON_CALL_ADDED_TO_ON_INCALL_UI_SHOWN_INCOMING = "CallList.onCallAdded_To_InCallActivity.onCreate_Incoming"; String ON_CALL_ADDED_TO_ON_INCALL_UI_SHOWN_OUTGOING = "CallList.onCallAdded_To_InCallActivity.onCreate_Outgoing"; String DIALTACTS_ON_RESUME_MEMORY_EVENT_NAME = "GoogleDialtactsActivity.onResume"; String OLD_MAIN_ACTIVITY_PEER_ON_RESUME_MEMORY_EVENT_NAME = "OldMainActivityPeer.onResume"; String INCALL_ACTIVITY_ON_RESUME_MEMORY_EVENT_NAME = "IncallActivity.OnResume"; String INCALL_ACTIVITY_ON_STOP_MEMORY_EVENT_NAME = "IncallActivity.OnStop"; String OLD_CALL_LOG_JANK_EVENT_NAME = "OldCallLog.Jank"; String NEW_CALL_LOG_JANK_EVENT_NAME = "NewCallLog.Jank"; // Events related to refreshing the annotated call log. String INITIAL_FILL_EVENT_NAME = "RefreshAnnotatedCallLog.Initial.Fill"; String INITIAL_ON_SUCCESSFUL_FILL_EVENT_NAME = "RefreshAnnotatedCallLog.Initial.OnSuccessfulFill"; String INITIAL_APPLY_MUTATIONS_EVENT_NAME = "RefreshAnnotatedCallLog.Initial.ApplyMutations"; String IS_DIRTY_EVENT_NAME = "RefreshAnnotatedCallLog.IsDirty"; String FILL_EVENT_NAME = "RefreshAnnotatedCallLog.Fill"; String ON_SUCCESSFUL_FILL_EVENT_NAME = "RefreshAnnotatedCallLog.OnSuccessfulFill"; String APPLY_MUTATIONS_EVENT_NAME = "RefreshAnnotatedCallLog.ApplyMutations"; // These templates are prefixed with a CallLogDataSource or PhoneLookup simple class name. String INITIAL_FILL_TEMPLATE = "%s.Initial.Fill"; String INITIAL_GET_MOST_RECENT_INFO_TEMPLATE = "%s.Initial.GetMostRecentInfo"; String INITIAL_ON_SUCCESSFUL_FILL_TEMPLATE = "%s.Initial.OnSuccessfulFill"; String INITIAL_ON_SUCCESSFUL_BULK_UPDATE_TEMPLATE = "%s.Initial.OnSuccessfulBulkUpdate"; String IS_DIRTY_TEMPLATE = "%s.IsDirty"; String FILL_TEMPLATE = "%s.Fill"; String GET_MOST_RECENT_INFO_TEMPLATE = "%s.GetMostRecentInfo"; String ON_SUCCESSFUL_FILL_TEMPLATE = "%s.OnSuccessfulFill"; String ON_SUCCESSFUL_BULK_UPDATE_TEMPLATE = "%s.OnSuccessfulBulkUpdate"; String LOOKUP_TEMPLATE = "%s.Lookup"; /** Start a timer. */ void startTimer(String timerEventName); /** Stop a timer. */ void stopTimer(String timerEventName); /** Start a jank recorder. */ void startJankRecorder(String eventName); /** Stop a jank recorder. */ void stopJankRecorder(String eventName); /** Record memory. */ void recordMemory(String memoryEventName); /** Initiazer for metrics. */ interface Initializer { /** Initialize metrics for the application . */ void initialize(Application application); } }