syntax = "proto2"; option java_package = ""; option java_multiple_files = true; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; package; import "java/com/android/dialer/logging/contact_source.proto"; // Contains information needed to construct items (modules) in a bottom sheet. // Next ID: 17 message HistoryItemActionModuleInfo { // The dialer-normalized version of a phone number. // See DialerPhoneNumber.normalized_number. optional string normalized_number = 1; // The ISO 3166-1 two letters country code of the number. optional string country_iso = 2; // The name associated with the number. optional string name = 3; // The type of the call. // See android.provider.CallLog.Calls.TYPE. optional int32 call_type = 4; // Bit-mask describing features of the call. // See android.provider.CallLog.Calls.FEATURES. optional int32 features = 5; // The Contacts Provider lookup URI for the contact associated with the // number. optional string lookup_uri = 6; // The component name of the account used to place or receive the call. // See android.provider.CallLog.Calls.PHONE_ACCOUNT_COMPONENT_NAME. optional string phone_account_component_name = 7; // Whether the number can be reported as invalid through People API optional bool can_report_as_invalid_number = 8; // Whether assisted dialing is supported. optional bool can_support_assisted_dialing = 9; // Whether carrier video call is supported. optional bool can_support_carrier_video_call = 10; // Whether the number is blocked. optional bool is_blocked = 11; // Whether the number is spam. optional bool is_spam = 12; // Whether the call is to the voicemail inbox. optional bool is_voicemail_call = 13; // The source of the contact if there is one associated with the number. optional contact_source = 14; // Places that can host items (modules) in a bottom sheet enum Host { UNKNOWN = 0; CALL_LOG = 1; VOICEMAIL = 2; } optional Host host = 15; // Whether the number is an emergency number. optional bool is_emergency_number = 16; }