syntax = "proto2"; option java_package = ""; option java_multiple_files = true; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; package; // Contains information associated with a number, which is used to create the // photo. // Next ID: 12 message PhotoInfo { // The display name of the number. optional string name = 1; // The number presented to the user. optional string formatted_number = 2; // The URI of the photo. optional string photo_uri = 3; // Value of android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo#_ID optional int64 photo_id = 4; // The Contacts Provider lookup URI for the contact associated with the // number. optional string lookup_uri = 5; // Whether a business icon should be displayed. optional bool is_business = 6; // Whether a voicemail icon should be displayed. optional bool is_voicemail = 7; // Whether a "blocked" icon should be displayed. optional bool is_blocked = 8; // Whether a "spam" icon should be displayed. optional bool is_spam = 9; // Whether the photo should be badged as video call. optional bool is_video = 10; // Whether the photo should be badged as RTT call. optional bool is_rtt = 11; }