/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.dialer.dialpadview; import android.Manifest; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.app.DialogFragment; import android.app.KeyguardManager; import android.app.ProgressDialog; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Bitmap.Config; import android.graphics.Color; import android.net.Uri; import android.provider.Settings; import android.support.annotation.Nullable; import android.support.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import android.telecom.PhoneAccount; import android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle; import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.android.common.io.MoreCloseables; import com.android.contacts.common.database.NoNullCursorAsyncQueryHandler; import com.android.contacts.common.util.ContactDisplayUtils; import com.android.contacts.common.widget.SelectPhoneAccountDialogFragment; import com.android.contacts.common.widget.SelectPhoneAccountDialogFragment.SelectPhoneAccountListener; import com.android.dialer.common.Assert; import com.android.dialer.common.LogUtil; import com.android.dialer.compat.telephony.TelephonyManagerCompat; import com.android.dialer.oem.MotorolaUtils; import com.android.dialer.oem.TranssionUtils; import com.android.dialer.telecom.TelecomUtil; import com.android.dialer.util.PermissionsUtil; import com.google.zxing.BarcodeFormat; import com.google.zxing.MultiFormatWriter; import com.google.zxing.WriterException; import com.google.zxing.common.BitMatrix; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; /** * Helper class to listen for some magic character sequences that are handled specially by Dialer. */ public class SpecialCharSequenceMgr { private static final String TAG_SELECT_ACCT_FRAGMENT = "tag_select_acct_fragment"; @VisibleForTesting static final String MMI_IMEI_DISPLAY = "*#06#"; private static final String MMI_REGULATORY_INFO_DISPLAY = "*#07#"; /** ***** This code is used to handle SIM Contact queries ***** */ private static final String ADN_PHONE_NUMBER_COLUMN_NAME = "number"; private static final String ADN_NAME_COLUMN_NAME = "name"; private static final int ADN_QUERY_TOKEN = -1; /** * Remembers the previous {@link QueryHandler} and cancel the operation when needed, to prevent * possible crash. * *

QueryHandler may call {@link ProgressDialog#dismiss()} when the screen is already gone, * which will cause the app crash. This variable enables the class to prevent the crash on {@link * #cleanup()}. * *

TODO: Remove this and replace it (and {@link #cleanup()}) with better implementation. One * complication is that we have SpecialCharSequenceMgr in Phone package too, which has *slightly* * different implementation. Note that Phone package doesn't have this problem, so the class on * Phone side doesn't have this functionality. Fundamental fix would be to have one shared * implementation and resolve this corner case more gracefully. */ private static QueryHandler previousAdnQueryHandler; /** This class is never instantiated. */ private SpecialCharSequenceMgr() {} public static boolean handleChars(Context context, String input, EditText textField) { // get rid of the separators so that the string gets parsed correctly String dialString = PhoneNumberUtils.stripSeparators(input); if (handleDeviceIdDisplay(context, dialString) || handleRegulatoryInfoDisplay(context, dialString) || handlePinEntry(context, dialString) || handleAdnEntry(context, dialString, textField) || handleSecretCode(context, dialString)) { return true; } if (MotorolaUtils.handleSpecialCharSequence(context, input)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Cleanup everything around this class. Must be run inside the main thread. * *

This should be called when the screen becomes background. */ public static void cleanup() { Assert.isMainThread(); if (previousAdnQueryHandler != null) { previousAdnQueryHandler.cancel(); previousAdnQueryHandler = null; } } /** * Handles secret codes to launch arbitrary activities in the form of * *#*##*#* or *##. * * @param context the context to use * @param input the text to check for a secret code in * @return true if a secret code was encountered and handled */ static boolean handleSecretCode(Context context, String input) { // Secret code specific to OEMs should be handled first. if (TranssionUtils.isTranssionSecretCode(input)) { TranssionUtils.handleTranssionSecretCode(context, input); return true; } // Secret codes are accessed by dialing *#*##*#* or "*##" if (input.length() > 8 && input.startsWith("*#*#") && input.endsWith("#*#*")) { String secretCode = input.substring(4, input.length() - 4); TelephonyManagerCompat.handleSecretCode(context, secretCode); return true; } return false; } /** * Handle ADN requests by filling in the SIM contact number into the requested EditText. * *

This code works alongside the Asynchronous query handler {@link QueryHandler} and query * cancel handler implemented in {@link SimContactQueryCookie}. */ static boolean handleAdnEntry(Context context, String input, EditText textField) { /* ADN entries are of the form "N(N)(N)#" */ TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); if (telephonyManager == null || telephonyManager.getPhoneType() != TelephonyManager.PHONE_TYPE_GSM) { return false; } // if the phone is keyguard-restricted, then just ignore this // input. We want to make sure that sim card contacts are NOT // exposed unless the phone is unlocked, and this code can be // accessed from the emergency dialer. KeyguardManager keyguardManager = (KeyguardManager) context.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE); if (keyguardManager.inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode()) { return false; } int len = input.length(); if ((len > 1) && (len < 5) && (input.endsWith("#"))) { try { // get the ordinal number of the sim contact final int index = Integer.parseInt(input.substring(0, len - 1)); // The original code that navigated to a SIM Contacts list view did not // highlight the requested contact correctly, a requirement for PTCRB // certification. This behaviour is consistent with the UI paradigm // for touch-enabled lists, so it does not make sense to try to work // around it. Instead we fill in the the requested phone number into // the dialer text field. // create the async query handler final QueryHandler handler = new QueryHandler(context.getContentResolver()); // create the cookie object final SimContactQueryCookie sc = new SimContactQueryCookie(index - 1, handler, ADN_QUERY_TOKEN); // setup the cookie fields sc.contactNum = index - 1; sc.setTextField(textField); // create the progress dialog sc.progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(context); sc.progressDialog.setTitle(R.string.simContacts_title); sc.progressDialog.setMessage(context.getText(R.string.simContacts_emptyLoading)); sc.progressDialog.setIndeterminate(true); sc.progressDialog.setCancelable(true); sc.progressDialog.setOnCancelListener(sc); sc.progressDialog.getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND); List subscriptionAccountHandles = TelecomUtil.getSubscriptionPhoneAccounts(context); Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); boolean hasUserSelectedDefault = subscriptionAccountHandles.contains( TelecomUtil.getDefaultOutgoingPhoneAccount( applicationContext, PhoneAccount.SCHEME_TEL)); if (subscriptionAccountHandles.size() <= 1 || hasUserSelectedDefault) { Uri uri = TelecomUtil.getAdnUriForPhoneAccount(applicationContext, null); handleAdnQuery(handler, sc, uri); } else { SelectPhoneAccountListener callback = new HandleAdnEntryAccountSelectedCallback(applicationContext, handler, sc); DialogFragment dialogFragment = SelectPhoneAccountDialogFragment.newInstance( subscriptionAccountHandles, callback, null); dialogFragment.show(((Activity) context).getFragmentManager(), TAG_SELECT_ACCT_FRAGMENT); } return true; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // Ignore } } return false; } private static void handleAdnQuery(QueryHandler handler, SimContactQueryCookie cookie, Uri uri) { if (handler == null || cookie == null || uri == null) { LogUtil.w("SpecialCharSequenceMgr.handleAdnQuery", "queryAdn parameters incorrect"); return; } // display the progress dialog cookie.progressDialog.show(); // run the query. handler.startQuery( ADN_QUERY_TOKEN, cookie, uri, new String[] {ADN_PHONE_NUMBER_COLUMN_NAME}, null, null, null); if (previousAdnQueryHandler != null) { // It is harmless to call cancel() even after the handler's gone. previousAdnQueryHandler.cancel(); } previousAdnQueryHandler = handler; } static boolean handlePinEntry(final Context context, final String input) { if ((input.startsWith("**04") || input.startsWith("**05")) && input.endsWith("#")) { List subscriptionAccountHandles = TelecomUtil.getSubscriptionPhoneAccounts(context); boolean hasUserSelectedDefault = subscriptionAccountHandles.contains( TelecomUtil.getDefaultOutgoingPhoneAccount(context, PhoneAccount.SCHEME_TEL)); if (subscriptionAccountHandles.size() <= 1 || hasUserSelectedDefault) { // Don't bring up the dialog for single-SIM or if the default outgoing account is // a subscription account. return TelecomUtil.handleMmi(context, input, null); } else { SelectPhoneAccountListener listener = new HandleMmiAccountSelectedCallback(context, input); DialogFragment dialogFragment = SelectPhoneAccountDialogFragment.newInstance( subscriptionAccountHandles, listener, null); dialogFragment.show(((Activity) context).getFragmentManager(), TAG_SELECT_ACCT_FRAGMENT); } return true; } return false; } // TODO: Use TelephonyCapabilities.getDeviceIdLabel() to get the device id label instead of a // hard-coded string. @SuppressLint("HardwareIds") static boolean handleDeviceIdDisplay(Context context, String input) { if (!PermissionsUtil.hasPermission(context, Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE)) { return false; } TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); if (telephonyManager != null && input.equals(MMI_IMEI_DISPLAY)) { int labelResId = (telephonyManager.getPhoneType() == TelephonyManager.PHONE_TYPE_GSM) ? R.string.imei : R.string.meid; View customView = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.dialog_deviceids, null); ViewGroup holder = customView.findViewById(R.id.deviceids_holder); if (TelephonyManagerCompat.getPhoneCount(telephonyManager) > 1) { for (int slot = 0; slot < telephonyManager.getPhoneCount(); slot++) { String deviceId = telephonyManager.getDeviceId(slot); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(deviceId)) { addDeviceIdRow( holder, deviceId, /* showDecimal */ context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.show_device_id_in_hex_and_decimal), /* showBarcode */ false); } } } else { addDeviceIdRow( holder, telephonyManager.getDeviceId(), /* showDecimal */ context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.show_device_id_in_hex_and_decimal), /* showBarcode */ context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.show_device_id_as_barcode)); } new AlertDialog.Builder(context) .setTitle(labelResId) .setView(customView) .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null) .setCancelable(false) .show() .getWindow() .setLayout(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); return true; } return false; } private static void addDeviceIdRow( ViewGroup holder, String deviceId, boolean showDecimal, boolean showBarcode) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(deviceId)) { return; } ViewGroup row = (ViewGroup) LayoutInflater.from(holder.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.row_deviceid, holder, false); holder.addView(row); // Remove the check digit, if exists. This digit is a checksum of the ID. // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Mobile_Equipment_Identity // and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_equipment_identifier String hex = deviceId.length() == 15 ? deviceId.substring(0, 14) : deviceId; // If this is the valid length IMEI or MEID (14 digits), show it in all formats, otherwise fall // back to just showing the raw hex if (hex.length() == 14 && showDecimal) { ((TextView) row.findViewById(R.id.deviceid_hex)).setText(hex); ((TextView) row.findViewById(R.id.deviceid_dec)).setText(getDecimalFromHex(hex)); row.findViewById(R.id.deviceid_dec_label).setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { row.findViewById(R.id.deviceid_hex_label).setVisibility(View.GONE); ((TextView) row.findViewById(R.id.deviceid_hex)).setText(deviceId); } final ImageView barcode = row.findViewById(R.id.deviceid_barcode); if (showBarcode) { // Wait until the layout pass has completed so we the barcode is measured before drawing. We // do this by adding a layout listener and setting the bitmap after getting the callback. barcode .getViewTreeObserver() .addOnGlobalLayoutListener( new OnGlobalLayoutListener() { @Override public void onGlobalLayout() { barcode.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(this); Bitmap barcodeBitmap = generateBarcode(hex, barcode.getWidth(), barcode.getHeight()); if (barcodeBitmap != null) { barcode.setImageBitmap(barcodeBitmap); } } }); } else { barcode.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } private static String getDecimalFromHex(String hex) { final String part1 = hex.substring(0, 8); final String part2 = hex.substring(8); long dec1; try { dec1 = Long.parseLong(part1, 16); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LogUtil.e("SpecialCharSequenceMgr.getDecimalFromHex", "unable to parse hex", e); return ""; } final String manufacturerCode = String.format(Locale.US, "%010d", dec1); long dec2; try { dec2 = Long.parseLong(part2, 16); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LogUtil.e("SpecialCharSequenceMgr.getDecimalFromHex", "unable to parse hex", e); return ""; } final String serialNum = String.format(Locale.US, "%08d", dec2); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(22); builder .append(manufacturerCode, 0, 5) .append(' ') .append(manufacturerCode, 5, manufacturerCode.length()) .append(' ') .append(serialNum, 0, 4) .append(' ') .append(serialNum, 4, serialNum.length()); return builder.toString(); } /** * This method generates a 2d barcode using the zxing library. Each pixel of the bitmap is either * black or white painted vertically. We determine which color using the BitMatrix.get(x, y) * method. */ private static Bitmap generateBarcode(String hex, int width, int height) { MultiFormatWriter writer = new MultiFormatWriter(); String data = Uri.encode(hex); try { BitMatrix bitMatrix = writer.encode(data, BarcodeFormat.CODE_128, width, 1); Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitMatrix.getWidth(), height, Config.RGB_565); for (int i = 0; i < bitMatrix.getWidth(); i++) { // Paint columns of width 1 int[] column = new int[height]; Arrays.fill(column, bitMatrix.get(i, 0) ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE); bitmap.setPixels(column, 0, 1, i, 0, 1, height); } return bitmap; } catch (WriterException e) { LogUtil.e("SpecialCharSequenceMgr.generateBarcode", "error generating barcode", e); } return null; } private static boolean handleRegulatoryInfoDisplay(Context context, String input) { if (input.equals(MMI_REGULATORY_INFO_DISPLAY)) { LogUtil.i( "SpecialCharSequenceMgr.handleRegulatoryInfoDisplay", "sending intent to settings app"); Intent showRegInfoIntent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_SHOW_REGULATORY_INFO); try { context.startActivity(showRegInfoIntent); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { LogUtil.e( "SpecialCharSequenceMgr.handleRegulatoryInfoDisplay", "startActivity() failed: ", e); } return true; } return false; } public static class HandleAdnEntryAccountSelectedCallback extends SelectPhoneAccountListener { private final Context context; private final QueryHandler queryHandler; private final SimContactQueryCookie cookie; public HandleAdnEntryAccountSelectedCallback( Context context, QueryHandler queryHandler, SimContactQueryCookie cookie) { this.context = context; this.queryHandler = queryHandler; this.cookie = cookie; } @Override public void onPhoneAccountSelected( PhoneAccountHandle selectedAccountHandle, boolean setDefault, @Nullable String callId) { Uri uri = TelecomUtil.getAdnUriForPhoneAccount(context, selectedAccountHandle); handleAdnQuery(queryHandler, cookie, uri); // TODO: Show error dialog if result isn't valid. } } public static class HandleMmiAccountSelectedCallback extends SelectPhoneAccountListener { private final Context context; private final String input; public HandleMmiAccountSelectedCallback(Context context, String input) { this.context = context.getApplicationContext(); this.input = input; } @Override public void onPhoneAccountSelected( PhoneAccountHandle selectedAccountHandle, boolean setDefault, @Nullable String callId) { TelecomUtil.handleMmi(context, input, selectedAccountHandle); } } /** * Cookie object that contains everything we need to communicate to the handler's onQuery * Complete, as well as what we need in order to cancel the query (if requested). * *

Note, access to the textField field is going to be synchronized, because the user can * request a cancel at any time through the UI. */ private static class SimContactQueryCookie implements DialogInterface.OnCancelListener { public ProgressDialog progressDialog; public int contactNum; // Used to identify the query request. private int token; private QueryHandler handler; // The text field we're going to update private EditText textField; public SimContactQueryCookie(int number, QueryHandler handler, int token) { contactNum = number; this.handler = handler; this.token = token; } /** Synchronized getter for the EditText. */ public synchronized EditText getTextField() { return textField; } /** Synchronized setter for the EditText. */ public synchronized void setTextField(EditText text) { textField = text; } /** * Cancel the ADN query by stopping the operation and signaling the cookie that a cancel request * is made. */ @Override public synchronized void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { // close the progress dialog if (progressDialog != null) { progressDialog.dismiss(); } // setting the textfield to null ensures that the UI does NOT get // updated. textField = null; // Cancel the operation if possible. handler.cancelOperation(token); } } /** * Asynchronous query handler that services requests to look up ADNs * *

Queries originate from {@link #handleAdnEntry}. */ private static class QueryHandler extends NoNullCursorAsyncQueryHandler { private boolean canceled; public QueryHandler(ContentResolver cr) { super(cr); } /** Override basic onQueryComplete to fill in the textfield when we're handed the ADN cursor. */ @Override protected void onNotNullableQueryComplete(int token, Object cookie, Cursor c) { try { previousAdnQueryHandler = null; if (canceled) { return; } SimContactQueryCookie sc = (SimContactQueryCookie) cookie; // close the progress dialog. sc.progressDialog.dismiss(); // get the EditText to update or see if the request was cancelled. EditText text = sc.getTextField(); // if the TextView is valid, and the cursor is valid and positionable on the // Nth number, then we update the text field and display a toast indicating the // caller name. if ((c != null) && (text != null) && (c.moveToPosition(sc.contactNum))) { String name = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ADN_NAME_COLUMN_NAME)); String number = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ADN_PHONE_NUMBER_COLUMN_NAME)); // fill the text in. text.getText().replace(0, 0, number); // display the name as a toast Context context = sc.progressDialog.getContext(); CharSequence msg = ContactDisplayUtils.getTtsSpannedPhoneNumber( context.getResources(), R.string.menu_callNumber, name); Toast.makeText(context, msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } finally { MoreCloseables.closeQuietly(c); } } public void cancel() { canceled = true; // Ask AsyncQueryHandler to cancel the whole request. This will fail when the query is // already started. cancelOperation(ADN_QUERY_TOKEN); } } }