syntax = "proto2"; option java_package = ""; option java_multiple_files = true; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; package; import "java/com/android/dialer/callintent/call_initiation_type.proto"; import "java/com/android/dialer/callintent/speed_dial_contact_type.proto"; import "java/com/android/dialer/logging/ui_action.proto"; // Miscellaneous data that's included in a new outgoing call initiated by // Dialer. The system will pass this data to the InCallUi which can use it // for logging or for something else. // Next tag: 10 message CallSpecificAppData { optional CallInitiationType.Type call_initiation_type = 1; optional int32 position_of_selected_search_result = 2; optional int32 characters_in_search_string = 3; repeated SpeedDialContactType.Type speed_dial_contact_type = 4; optional int32 speed_dial_contact_position = 5; optional int64 time_since_app_launch = 6; optional int64 time_since_first_click = 7; // The following two list should be of the same length // (adding another message is not allowed here) repeated ui_actions_since_app_launch = 8; repeated int64 ui_action_timestamps_since_app_launch = 9; }