syntax = "proto2"; option java_package = ""; option java_multiple_files = true; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; package; import "java/com/android/dialer/logging/contact_source.proto"; import "java/com/android/dialer/logging/reporting_location.proto"; // Contains information needed in dialogs that allow a user to block a number // and/or report it as spam/not spam. // Next ID: 6 message BlockReportSpamDialogInfo { // A dialer-normalized version of the number used in the dialogs. // See DialerPhoneNumber#normalized_number. optional string normalized_number = 1; // The ISO 3166-1 two letters country code of the number. optional string country_iso = 2; // Type of the call to/from the number, as defined in // android.provider.CallLog.Calls optional int32 call_type = 3; // The location where the number is reported. optional reporting_location = 4; // The source where contact info is associated with the number. optional contact_source = 5; }