/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.incallui; import com.android.services.telephony.common.CallIdentification; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import android.app.Notification; import android.app.NotificationManager; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.android.incallui.ContactInfoCache.ContactCacheEntry; import com.android.incallui.ContactInfoCache.ContactInfoCacheCallback; import com.android.incallui.InCallApp.NotificationBroadcastReceiver; import com.android.incallui.InCallPresenter.InCallState; import com.android.services.telephony.common.Call; import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class adds Notifications to the status bar for the in-call experience. */ public class StatusBarNotifier implements InCallPresenter.InCallStateListener { // notification types private static final int IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION = 1; private final Context mContext; private final ContactInfoCache mContactInfoCache; private final CallList mCallList; private final NotificationManager mNotificationManager; private boolean mIsShowingNotification = false; private int mCallState = Call.State.INVALID; private int mSavedIcon = 0; private int mSavedContent = 0; private Bitmap mSavedLargeIcon; private String mSavedContentTitle; public StatusBarNotifier(Context context, ContactInfoCache contactInfoCache, CallList callList) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); mContext = context; mContactInfoCache = contactInfoCache; mCallList = callList; mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); } /** * Creates notifications according to the state we receive from {@link InCallPresenter}. */ @Override public void onStateChange(InCallState state, CallList callList) { Log.d(this, "onStateChange"); updateNotification(state, callList); } /** * Updates the phone app's status bar notification based on the * current telephony state, or cancels the notification if the phone * is totally idle. * * This method will never actually launch the incoming-call UI. * (Use updateNotificationAndLaunchIncomingCallUi() for that.) */ public void updateNotification(InCallState state, CallList callList) { Log.d(this, "updateNotification"); // allowFullScreenIntent=false means *don't* allow the incoming // call UI to be launched. updateInCallNotification(false, state, callList); } /** * Updates the phone app's status bar notification *and* launches the * incoming call UI in response to a new incoming call. * * This is just like updateInCallNotification(), with one exception: * If an incoming call is ringing (or call-waiting), the notification * will also include a "fullScreenIntent" that will cause the * InCallScreen to be launched immediately, unless the current * foreground activity is marked as "immersive". * * (This is the mechanism that actually brings up the incoming call UI * when we receive a "new ringing connection" event from the telephony * layer.) * * Watch out: this method should ONLY be called directly from the code * path in CallNotifier that handles the "new ringing connection" * event from the telephony layer. All other places that update the * in-call notification (like for phone state changes) should call * updateInCallNotification() instead. (This ensures that we don't * end up launching the InCallScreen multiple times for a single * incoming call, which could cause slow responsiveness and/or visible * glitches.) * * Also note that this method is safe to call even if the phone isn't * actually ringing (or, more likely, if an incoming call *was* * ringing briefly but then disconnected). In that case, we'll simply * update or cancel the in-call notification based on the current * phone state. * * @see #updateInCallNotification(boolean) */ public void updateNotificationAndLaunchIncomingCallUi(InCallState state, CallList callList) { // Set allowFullScreenIntent=true to indicate that we *should* // launch the incoming call UI if necessary. updateInCallNotification(true, state, callList); } /** * Take down the in-call notification. * @see updateInCallNotification() */ private void cancelInCall() { Log.d(this, "cancelInCall()..."); mNotificationManager.cancel(IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION); mIsShowingNotification = false; } /** * Helper method for updateInCallNotification() and * updateNotificationAndLaunchIncomingCallUi(): Update the phone app's * status bar notification based on the current telephony state, or * cancels the notification if the phone is totally idle. * * @param allowFullScreenIntent If true, *and* an incoming call is * ringing, the notification will include a "fullScreenIntent" * pointing at the InCallActivity (which will cause the InCallActivity * to be launched.) * Watch out: This should be set to true *only* when directly * handling a new incoming call for the first time. */ private void updateInCallNotification(final boolean allowFullScreenIntent, final InCallState state, CallList callList) { Log.d(this, "updateInCallNotification(allowFullScreenIntent = " + allowFullScreenIntent + ")..."); final Call call = getCallToShow(callList); if (shouldSuppressNotification(state, call)) { Log.d(this, "Suppressing notification"); cancelInCall(); return; } // we make a call to the contact info cache to query for supplemental data to what the // call provides. This includes the contact name and photo. // This callback will always get called immediately and synchronously with whatever data // it has available, and may make a subsequent call later (same thread) if it had to // call into the contacts provider for more data. mContactInfoCache.findInfo(call.getIdentification(), call.getState() == Call.State.INCOMING, new ContactInfoCacheCallback() { private boolean mAllowFullScreenIntent = allowFullScreenIntent; @Override public void onContactInfoComplete(int callId, ContactCacheEntry entry) { Call call = CallList.getInstance().getCall(callId); if (call != null) { buildAndSendNotification(call, entry, mAllowFullScreenIntent); } // Full screen intents are what bring up the in call screen. We only want // to do this the first time we are called back. mAllowFullScreenIntent = false; } @Override public void onImageLoadComplete(int callId, ContactCacheEntry entry) { Call call = CallList.getInstance().getCall(callId); if (call != null) { buildAndSendNotification(call, entry, mAllowFullScreenIntent); } } }); } /** * Sets up the main Ui for the notification */ private void buildAndSendNotification(Call originalCall, ContactCacheEntry contactInfo, boolean allowFullScreenIntent) { // This can get called to update an existing notification after contact information has come // back. However, it can happen much later. Before we continue, we need to make sure that // the call being passed in is still the one we want to show in the notification. final Call call = getCallToShow(CallList.getInstance()); if (call == null || call.getCallId() != originalCall.getCallId()) { return; } final int state = call.getState(); final boolean isConference = call.isConferenceCall(); final int iconResId = getIconToDisplay(call); final Bitmap largeIcon = getLargeIconToDisplay(contactInfo, isConference); final int contentResId = getContentString(call); final String contentTitle = getContentTitle(contactInfo, isConference); // If we checked and found that nothing is different, dont issue another notification. if (!checkForChangeAndSaveData(iconResId, contentResId, largeIcon, contentTitle, state, allowFullScreenIntent)) { return; } /* * Nothing more to check...build and send it. */ final Notification.Builder builder = getNotificationBuilder(); // Set up the main intent to send the user to the in-call screen final PendingIntent inCallPendingIntent = createLaunchPendingIntent(); builder.setContentIntent(inCallPendingIntent); // Set the intent as a full screen intent as well if requested if (allowFullScreenIntent) { configureFullScreenIntent(builder, inCallPendingIntent, call); } // set the content builder.setContentText(mContext.getString(contentResId)); builder.setSmallIcon(iconResId); builder.setContentTitle(contentTitle); builder.setLargeIcon(largeIcon); if (state == Call.State.ACTIVE) { builder.setUsesChronometer(true); builder.setWhen(call.getConnectTime()); } else { builder.setUsesChronometer(false); } // Add hang up option for any active calls (active | onhold), outgoing calls (dialing). if (state == Call.State.ACTIVE || state == Call.State.ONHOLD || Call.State.isDialing(state)) { addHangupAction(builder); } /* * Fire off the notification */ Notification notification = builder.build(); Log.d(this, "Notifying IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION: " + notification); mNotificationManager.notify(IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION, notification); mIsShowingNotification = true; } /** * Checks the new notification data and compares it against any notification that we * are already displaying. If the data is exactly the same, we return false so that * we do not issue a new notification for the exact same data. */ private boolean checkForChangeAndSaveData(int icon, int content, Bitmap largeIcon, String contentTitle, int state, boolean showFullScreenIntent) { // The two are different: // if new title is not null, it should be different from saved version OR // if new title is null, the saved version should not be null final boolean contentTitleChanged = (contentTitle != null && !contentTitle.equals(mSavedContentTitle)) || (contentTitle == null && mSavedContentTitle != null); // any change means we are definitely updating boolean retval = (mSavedIcon != icon) || (mSavedContent != content) || (mCallState != state) || (mSavedLargeIcon != largeIcon) || contentTitleChanged; // A full screen intent means that we have been asked to interrupt an activity, // so we definitely want to show it. if (showFullScreenIntent) { Log.d(this, "Forcing full screen intent"); retval = true; } // If we aren't showing a notification right now, definitely start showing one. if (!mIsShowingNotification) { Log.d(this, "Showing notification for first time."); retval = true; } mSavedIcon = icon; mSavedContent = content; mCallState = state; mSavedLargeIcon = largeIcon; mSavedContentTitle = contentTitle; if (retval) { Log.d(this, "Data changed. Showing notification"); } return retval; } /** * Returns the main string to use in the notification. */ private String getContentTitle(ContactCacheEntry contactInfo, boolean isConference) { if (isConference) { return mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.card_title_conf_call); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(contactInfo.name)) { return contactInfo.number; } return contactInfo.name; } /** * Gets a large icon from the contact info object to display in the notification. */ private Bitmap getLargeIconToDisplay(ContactCacheEntry contactInfo, boolean isConference) { Bitmap largeIcon = null; if (isConference) { largeIcon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mContext.getResources(), R.drawable.picture_conference); } if (contactInfo.photo != null && (contactInfo.photo instanceof BitmapDrawable)) { largeIcon = ((BitmapDrawable) contactInfo.photo).getBitmap(); } if (largeIcon != null) { final int height = (int) mContext.getResources().getDimension( android.R.dimen.notification_large_icon_height); final int width = (int) mContext.getResources().getDimension( android.R.dimen.notification_large_icon_width); largeIcon = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(largeIcon, width, height, false); } return largeIcon; } /** * Returns the appropriate icon res Id to display based on the call for which * we want to display information. */ private int getIconToDisplay(Call call) { // Even if both lines are in use, we only show a single item in // the expanded Notifications UI. It's labeled "Ongoing call" // (or "On hold" if there's only one call, and it's on hold.) // Also, we don't have room to display caller-id info from two // different calls. So if both lines are in use, display info // from the foreground call. And if there's a ringing call, // display that regardless of the state of the other calls. if (call.getState() == Call.State.ONHOLD) { return R.drawable.stat_sys_phone_call_on_hold; } return R.drawable.stat_sys_phone_call; } /** * Returns the message to use with the notificaiton. */ private int getContentString(Call call) { int resId = R.string.notification_ongoing_call; if (call.getState() == Call.State.INCOMING) { resId = R.string.notification_incoming_call; } else if (call.getState() == Call.State.ONHOLD) { resId = R.string.notification_on_hold; } else if (Call.State.isDialing(call.getState())) { resId = R.string.notification_dialing; } return resId; } /** * Gets the most relevant call to display in the notification. */ private Call getCallToShow(CallList callList) { Call call = callList.getIncomingCall(); if (call == null) { call = callList.getOutgoingCall(); } if (call == null) { call = callList.getActiveOrBackgroundCall(); } return call; } private void addHangupAction(Notification.Builder builder) { Log.i(this, "Will show \"hang-up\" action in the ongoing active call Notification"); // TODO: use better asset. builder.addAction(R.drawable.stat_sys_phone_call_end, mContext.getText(R.string.notification_action_end_call), createHangUpOngoingCallPendingIntent(mContext)); } /** * Adds fullscreen intent to the builder. */ private void configureFullScreenIntent(Notification.Builder builder, PendingIntent intent, Call call) { // Ok, we actually want to launch the incoming call // UI at this point (in addition to simply posting a notification // to the status bar). Setting fullScreenIntent will cause // the InCallScreen to be launched immediately *unless* the // current foreground activity is marked as "immersive". Log.d(this, "- Setting fullScreenIntent: " + intent); builder.setFullScreenIntent(intent, true); // Ugly hack alert: // // The NotificationManager has the (undocumented) behavior // that it will *ignore* the fullScreenIntent field if you // post a new Notification that matches the ID of one that's // already active. Unfortunately this is exactly what happens // when you get an incoming call-waiting call: the // "ongoing call" notification is already visible, so the // InCallScreen won't get launched in this case! // (The result: if you bail out of the in-call UI while on a // call and then get a call-waiting call, the incoming call UI // won't come up automatically.) // // The workaround is to just notice this exact case (this is a // call-waiting call *and* the InCallScreen is not in the // foreground) and manually cancel the in-call notification // before (re)posting it. // // TODO: there should be a cleaner way of avoiding this // problem (see discussion in bug 3184149.) if (call.getState() == Call.State.CALL_WAITING) { Log.i(this, "updateInCallNotification: call-waiting! force relaunch..."); // Cancel the IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION immediately before // (re)posting it; this seems to force the // NotificationManager to launch the fullScreenIntent. mNotificationManager.cancel(IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION); } } private Notification.Builder getNotificationBuilder() { final Notification.Builder builder = new Notification.Builder(mContext); builder.setOngoing(true); // Make the notification prioritized over the other normal notifications. builder.setPriority(Notification.PRIORITY_HIGH); return builder; } /** * Returns true if notification should not be shown in the current state. */ private boolean shouldSuppressNotification(InCallState state, Call call) { // We can still be in the INCALL state when a call is disconnected (in order to show // the "Call ended" screen. So check that we have an active connection too. if (call == null) { Log.v(this, "suppressing: no call"); return true; } // Suppress the in-call notification if the InCallScreen is the // foreground activity, since it's already obvious that you're on a // call. (The status bar icon is needed only if you navigate *away* // from the in-call UI.) boolean shouldSuppress = InCallPresenter.getInstance().isShowingInCallUi(); // Suppress if the call is not active. if (!state.isConnectingOrConnected()) { Log.v(this, "suppressing: not connecting or connected"); shouldSuppress = true; } // If there's an incoming ringing call: always show the // notification, since the in-call notification is what actually // launches the incoming call UI in the first place (see // notification.fullScreenIntent below.) This makes sure that we'll // correctly handle the case where a new incoming call comes in but // the InCallScreen is already in the foreground. if (state.isIncoming()) { Log.v(this, "unsuppressing: incoming call"); shouldSuppress = false; } // JANK Fix // Do not show the notification for outgoing calls until the UI comes up. // Since we don't normally show a notification while the incall screen is // in the foreground, if we show the outgoing notification before the activity // comes up the user will see it flash on and off on an outgoing call. // This code ensures that we do not show the notification for outgoing calls before // the activity has started. if (state == InCallState.OUTGOING && !InCallPresenter.getInstance().isActivityPreviouslyStarted()) { Log.v(this, "suppressing: activity not started."); shouldSuppress = true; } return shouldSuppress; } private PendingIntent createLaunchPendingIntent() { final Intent intent = InCallPresenter.getInstance().getInCallIntent(/*showdialpad=*/false); // PendingIntent that can be used to launch the InCallActivity. The // system fires off this intent if the user pulls down the windowshade // and clicks the notification's expanded view. It's also used to // launch the InCallActivity immediately when when there's an incoming // call (see the "fullScreenIntent" field below). PendingIntent inCallPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 0, intent, 0); return inCallPendingIntent; } /** * Returns PendingIntent for hanging up ongoing phone call. This will typically be used from * Notification context. */ private static PendingIntent createHangUpOngoingCallPendingIntent(Context context) { final Intent intent = new Intent(InCallApp.ACTION_HANG_UP_ONGOING_CALL, null, context, NotificationBroadcastReceiver.class); return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, 0); } }