/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.incallui; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; /** * OnTouchListener used to shrink the "hit target" of some onscreen buttons. * * We do this for a few specific buttons which are vulnerable to * "false touches" because either (1) they're near the edge of the * screen and might be unintentionally touched while holding the * device in your hand, (2) they're in the upper corners and might * be touched by the user's ear before the prox sensor has a chance to * kick in, or (3) they are close to other buttons. */ public class SmallerHitTargetTouchListener implements View.OnTouchListener { private static final String TAG = "SmallerHitTargetTouchListener"; /** * Edge dimensions where a touch does not register an action (in DIP). */ private static final int HIT_TARGET_EDGE_IGNORE_DP_X = 30; private static final int HIT_TARGET_EDGE_IGNORE_DP_Y = 10; private static final int HIT_TARGET_MIN_SIZE_DP_X = HIT_TARGET_EDGE_IGNORE_DP_X * 3; private static final int HIT_TARGET_MIN_SIZE_DP_Y = HIT_TARGET_EDGE_IGNORE_DP_Y * 3; // True if the most recent DOWN event was a "hit". boolean mDownEventHit; /** * Called when a touch event is dispatched to a view. This allows listeners to * get a chance to respond before the target view. * * @return True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise. * (In other words, we return true when the touch is *outside* * the "smaller hit target", which will prevent the actual * button from handling these events.) */ @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { // if (DBG) log("SmallerHitTargetTouchListener: " + v + ", event " + event); if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { // Note that event.getX() and event.getY() are already // translated into the View's coordinates. (In other words, // "0,0" is a touch on the upper-left-most corner of the view.) final int touchX = (int) event.getX(); final int touchY = (int) event.getY(); final int viewWidth = v.getWidth(); final int viewHeight = v.getHeight(); final float pixelDensity = v.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; final int targetMinSizeX = (int) (HIT_TARGET_MIN_SIZE_DP_X * pixelDensity); final int targetMinSizeY = (int) (HIT_TARGET_MIN_SIZE_DP_Y * pixelDensity); int edgeIgnoreX = (int) (HIT_TARGET_EDGE_IGNORE_DP_X * pixelDensity); int edgeIgnoreY = (int) (HIT_TARGET_EDGE_IGNORE_DP_Y * pixelDensity); // If we are dealing with smaller buttons where the dead zone defined by // HIT_TARGET_EDGE_IGNORE_DP_[X|Y] is too large. if (viewWidth < targetMinSizeX || viewHeight < targetMinSizeY) { // This really should not happen given our two use cases (as of this writing) // in the call edge button and secondary calling card. However, we leave // this is as a precautionary measure. Log.w(TAG, "onTouch: view is too small for SmallerHitTargetTouchListener"); edgeIgnoreX = 0; edgeIgnoreY = 0; } final int minTouchX = edgeIgnoreX; final int maxTouchX = viewWidth - edgeIgnoreX; final int minTouchY = edgeIgnoreY; final int maxTouchY = viewHeight - edgeIgnoreY; if (touchX < minTouchX || touchX > maxTouchX || touchY < minTouchY || touchY > maxTouchY) { // Missed! // if (DBG) log(" -> MISSED!"); mDownEventHit = false; return true; // Consume this event; don't let the button see it } else { // Hit! // if (DBG) log(" -> HIT!"); mDownEventHit = true; return false; // Let this event through to the actual button } } else { // This is a MOVE, UP or CANCEL event. // // We only do the "smaller hit target" check on DOWN events. // For the subsequent MOVE/UP/CANCEL events, we let them // through to the actual button IFF the previous DOWN event // got through to the actual button (i.e. it was a "hit".) return !mDownEventHit; } } }