/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package com.android.incallui; import static com.android.incallui.CallButtonFragment.Buttons.BUTTON_ADD_CALL; import static com.android.incallui.CallButtonFragment.Buttons.BUTTON_AUDIO; import static com.android.incallui.CallButtonFragment.Buttons.BUTTON_DIALPAD; import static com.android.incallui.CallButtonFragment.Buttons.BUTTON_DOWNGRADE_TO_AUDIO; import static com.android.incallui.CallButtonFragment.Buttons.BUTTON_HOLD; import static com.android.incallui.CallButtonFragment.Buttons.BUTTON_MERGE; import static com.android.incallui.CallButtonFragment.Buttons.BUTTON_MUTE; import static com.android.incallui.CallButtonFragment.Buttons.BUTTON_PAUSE_VIDEO; import static com.android.incallui.CallButtonFragment.Buttons.BUTTON_SWAP; import static com.android.incallui.CallButtonFragment.Buttons.BUTTON_SWITCH_CAMERA; import static com.android.incallui.CallButtonFragment.Buttons.BUTTON_UPGRADE_TO_VIDEO; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.telecom.CallAudioState; import android.telecom.InCallService.VideoCall; import android.telecom.VideoProfile; import com.android.contacts.common.compat.CallSdkCompat; import com.android.contacts.common.compat.SdkVersionOverride; import com.android.dialer.compat.UserManagerCompat; import com.android.incallui.AudioModeProvider.AudioModeListener; import com.android.incallui.InCallCameraManager.Listener; import com.android.incallui.InCallPresenter.CanAddCallListener; import com.android.incallui.InCallPresenter.InCallDetailsListener; import com.android.incallui.InCallPresenter.InCallState; import com.android.incallui.InCallPresenter.InCallStateListener; import com.android.incallui.InCallPresenter.IncomingCallListener; /** * Logic for call buttons. */ public class CallButtonPresenter extends Presenter implements InCallStateListener, AudioModeListener, IncomingCallListener, InCallDetailsListener, CanAddCallListener, Listener { private static final String KEY_AUTOMATICALLY_MUTED = "incall_key_automatically_muted"; private static final String KEY_PREVIOUS_MUTE_STATE = "incall_key_previous_mute_state"; private Call mCall; private boolean mAutomaticallyMuted = false; private boolean mPreviousMuteState = false; public CallButtonPresenter() { } @Override public void onUiReady(CallButtonUi ui) { super.onUiReady(ui); AudioModeProvider.getInstance().addListener(this); // register for call state changes last final InCallPresenter inCallPresenter = InCallPresenter.getInstance(); inCallPresenter.addListener(this); inCallPresenter.addIncomingCallListener(this); inCallPresenter.addDetailsListener(this); inCallPresenter.addCanAddCallListener(this); inCallPresenter.getInCallCameraManager().addCameraSelectionListener(this); // Update the buttons state immediately for the current call onStateChange(InCallState.NO_CALLS, inCallPresenter.getInCallState(), CallList.getInstance()); } @Override public void onUiUnready(CallButtonUi ui) { super.onUiUnready(ui); InCallPresenter.getInstance().removeListener(this); AudioModeProvider.getInstance().removeListener(this); InCallPresenter.getInstance().removeIncomingCallListener(this); InCallPresenter.getInstance().removeDetailsListener(this); InCallPresenter.getInstance().getInCallCameraManager().removeCameraSelectionListener(this); InCallPresenter.getInstance().removeCanAddCallListener(this); } @Override public void onStateChange(InCallState oldState, InCallState newState, CallList callList) { CallButtonUi ui = getUi(); if (newState == InCallState.OUTGOING) { mCall = callList.getOutgoingCall(); } else if (newState == InCallState.INCALL) { mCall = callList.getActiveOrBackgroundCall(); // When connected to voice mail, automatically shows the dialpad. // (On previous releases we showed it when in-call shows up, before waiting for // OUTGOING. We may want to do that once we start showing "Voice mail" label on // the dialpad too.) if (ui != null) { if (oldState == InCallState.OUTGOING && mCall != null) { if (CallerInfoUtils.isVoiceMailNumber(ui.getContext(), mCall)) { ui.displayDialpad(true /* show */, true /* animate */); } } } } else if (newState == InCallState.INCOMING) { if (ui != null) { ui.displayDialpad(false /* show */, true /* animate */); } mCall = callList.getIncomingCall(); } else { mCall = null; } updateUi(newState, mCall); } /** * Updates the user interface in response to a change in the details of a call. * Currently handles changes to the call buttons in response to a change in the details for a * call. This is important to ensure changes to the active call are reflected in the available * buttons. * * @param call The active call. * @param details The call details. */ @Override public void onDetailsChanged(Call call, android.telecom.Call.Details details) { // Only update if the changes are for the currently active call if (getUi() != null && call != null && call.equals(mCall)) { updateButtonsState(call); } } @Override public void onIncomingCall(InCallState oldState, InCallState newState, Call call) { onStateChange(oldState, newState, CallList.getInstance()); } @Override public void onCanAddCallChanged(boolean canAddCall) { if (getUi() != null && mCall != null) { updateButtonsState(mCall); } } @Override public void onAudioMode(int mode) { if (getUi() != null) { getUi().setAudio(mode); } } @Override public void onSupportedAudioMode(int mask) { if (getUi() != null) { getUi().setSupportedAudio(mask); } } @Override public void onMute(boolean muted) { if (getUi() != null && !mAutomaticallyMuted) { getUi().setMute(muted); } } public int getAudioMode() { return AudioModeProvider.getInstance().getAudioMode(); } public int getSupportedAudio() { return AudioModeProvider.getInstance().getSupportedModes(); } public void setAudioMode(int mode) { // TODO: Set a intermediate state in this presenter until we get // an update for onAudioMode(). This will make UI response immediate // if it turns out to be slow Log.d(this, "Sending new Audio Mode: " + CallAudioState.audioRouteToString(mode)); TelecomAdapter.getInstance().setAudioRoute(mode); } /** * Function assumes that bluetooth is not supported. */ public void toggleSpeakerphone() { // this function should not be called if bluetooth is available if (0 != (CallAudioState.ROUTE_BLUETOOTH & getSupportedAudio())) { // It's clear the UI is wrong, so update the supported mode once again. Log.e(this, "toggling speakerphone not allowed when bluetooth supported."); getUi().setSupportedAudio(getSupportedAudio()); return; } int newMode = CallAudioState.ROUTE_SPEAKER; // if speakerphone is already on, change to wired/earpiece if (getAudioMode() == CallAudioState.ROUTE_SPEAKER) { newMode = CallAudioState.ROUTE_WIRED_OR_EARPIECE; } setAudioMode(newMode); } public void muteClicked(boolean checked) { Log.d(this, "turning on mute: " + checked); TelecomAdapter.getInstance().mute(checked); } public void holdClicked(boolean checked) { if (mCall == null) { return; } if (checked) { Log.i(this, "Putting the call on hold: " + mCall); TelecomAdapter.getInstance().holdCall(mCall.getId()); } else { Log.i(this, "Removing the call from hold: " + mCall); TelecomAdapter.getInstance().unholdCall(mCall.getId()); } } public void swapClicked() { if (mCall == null) { return; } Log.i(this, "Swapping the call: " + mCall); TelecomAdapter.getInstance().swap(mCall.getId()); } public void mergeClicked() { TelecomAdapter.getInstance().merge(mCall.getId()); } public void addCallClicked() { // Automatically mute the current call mAutomaticallyMuted = true; mPreviousMuteState = AudioModeProvider.getInstance().getMute(); // Simulate a click on the mute button muteClicked(true); TelecomAdapter.getInstance().addCall(); } public void changeToVoiceClicked() { VideoCall videoCall = mCall.getVideoCall(); if (videoCall == null) { return; } VideoProfile videoProfile = new VideoProfile(VideoProfile.STATE_AUDIO_ONLY); videoCall.sendSessionModifyRequest(videoProfile); } public void showDialpadClicked(boolean checked) { Log.v(this, "Show dialpad " + String.valueOf(checked)); getUi().displayDialpad(checked /* show */, true /* animate */); } public void changeToVideoClicked() { VideoCall videoCall = mCall.getVideoCall(); if (videoCall == null) { return; } int currVideoState = mCall.getVideoState(); int currUnpausedVideoState = VideoUtils.getUnPausedVideoState(currVideoState); currUnpausedVideoState |= VideoProfile.STATE_BIDIRECTIONAL; VideoProfile videoProfile = new VideoProfile(currUnpausedVideoState); videoCall.sendSessionModifyRequest(videoProfile); mCall.setSessionModificationState(Call.SessionModificationState.WAITING_FOR_RESPONSE); } /** * Switches the camera between the front-facing and back-facing camera. * @param useFrontFacingCamera True if we should switch to using the front-facing camera, or * false if we should switch to using the back-facing camera. */ public void switchCameraClicked(boolean useFrontFacingCamera) { InCallCameraManager cameraManager = InCallPresenter.getInstance().getInCallCameraManager(); cameraManager.setUseFrontFacingCamera(useFrontFacingCamera); VideoCall videoCall = mCall.getVideoCall(); if (videoCall == null) { return; } String cameraId = cameraManager.getActiveCameraId(); if (cameraId != null) { final int cameraDir = cameraManager.isUsingFrontFacingCamera() ? Call.VideoSettings.CAMERA_DIRECTION_FRONT_FACING : Call.VideoSettings.CAMERA_DIRECTION_BACK_FACING; mCall.getVideoSettings().setCameraDir(cameraDir); videoCall.setCamera(cameraId); videoCall.requestCameraCapabilities(); } } /** * Stop or start client's video transmission. * @param pause True if pausing the local user's video, or false if starting the local user's * video. */ public void pauseVideoClicked(boolean pause) { VideoCall videoCall = mCall.getVideoCall(); if (videoCall == null) { return; } if (pause) { videoCall.setCamera(null); VideoProfile videoProfile = new VideoProfile( mCall.getVideoState() & ~VideoProfile.STATE_TX_ENABLED); videoCall.sendSessionModifyRequest(videoProfile); } else { InCallCameraManager cameraManager = InCallPresenter.getInstance(). getInCallCameraManager(); videoCall.setCamera(cameraManager.getActiveCameraId()); VideoProfile videoProfile = new VideoProfile( mCall.getVideoState() | VideoProfile.STATE_TX_ENABLED); videoCall.sendSessionModifyRequest(videoProfile); mCall.setSessionModificationState(Call.SessionModificationState.WAITING_FOR_RESPONSE); } getUi().setVideoPaused(pause); } private void updateUi(InCallState state, Call call) { Log.d(this, "Updating call UI for call: ", call); final CallButtonUi ui = getUi(); if (ui == null) { return; } final boolean isEnabled = state.isConnectingOrConnected() &&!state.isIncoming() && call != null; ui.setEnabled(isEnabled); if (call == null) { return; } updateButtonsState(call); } /** * Updates the buttons applicable for the UI. * * @param call The active call. */ private void updateButtonsState(Call call) { Log.v(this, "updateButtonsState"); final CallButtonUi ui = getUi(); final boolean isVideo = VideoUtils.isVideoCall(call); // Common functionality (audio, hold, etc). // Show either HOLD or SWAP, but not both. If neither HOLD or SWAP is available: // (1) If the device normally can hold, show HOLD in a disabled state. // (2) If the device doesn't have the concept of hold/swap, remove the button. final boolean showSwap = call.can( android.telecom.Call.Details.CAPABILITY_SWAP_CONFERENCE); final boolean showHold = !showSwap && call.can(android.telecom.Call.Details.CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD) && call.can(android.telecom.Call.Details.CAPABILITY_HOLD); final boolean isCallOnHold = call.getState() == Call.State.ONHOLD; final boolean showAddCall = TelecomAdapter.getInstance().canAddCall() && UserManagerCompat.isUserUnlocked(ui.getContext()); final boolean showMerge = call.can( android.telecom.Call.Details.CAPABILITY_MERGE_CONFERENCE); final boolean showUpgradeToVideo = !isVideo && hasVideoCallCapabilities(call); final boolean showDowngradeToAudio = isVideo && isDowngradeToAudioSupported(call); final boolean showMute = call.can(android.telecom.Call.Details.CAPABILITY_MUTE); ui.showButton(BUTTON_AUDIO, true); ui.showButton(BUTTON_SWAP, showSwap); ui.showButton(BUTTON_HOLD, showHold); ui.setHold(isCallOnHold); ui.showButton(BUTTON_MUTE, showMute); ui.showButton(BUTTON_ADD_CALL, showAddCall); ui.showButton(BUTTON_UPGRADE_TO_VIDEO, showUpgradeToVideo); ui.showButton(BUTTON_DOWNGRADE_TO_AUDIO, showDowngradeToAudio); ui.showButton(BUTTON_SWITCH_CAMERA, isVideo); ui.showButton(BUTTON_PAUSE_VIDEO, isVideo); if (isVideo) { getUi().setVideoPaused(!VideoUtils.isTransmissionEnabled(call)); } ui.showButton(BUTTON_DIALPAD, true); ui.showButton(BUTTON_MERGE, showMerge); ui.updateButtonStates(); } private boolean hasVideoCallCapabilities(Call call) { if (SdkVersionOverride.getSdkVersion(Build.VERSION_CODES.M) >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { return call.can(android.telecom.Call.Details.CAPABILITY_SUPPORTS_VT_LOCAL_TX) && call.can(android.telecom.Call.Details.CAPABILITY_SUPPORTS_VT_REMOTE_RX); } // In L, this single flag represents both video transmitting and receiving capabilities return call.can(android.telecom.Call.Details.CAPABILITY_SUPPORTS_VT_LOCAL_TX); } /** * Determines if downgrading from a video call to an audio-only call is supported. In order to * support downgrade to audio, the SDK version must be >= N and the call should NOT have the * {@link android.telecom.Call.Details#CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO}. * @param call The call. * @return {@code true} if downgrading to an audio-only call from a video call is supported. */ private boolean isDowngradeToAudioSupported(Call call) { return !call.can(CallSdkCompat.Details.CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO); } public void refreshMuteState() { // Restore the previous mute state if (mAutomaticallyMuted && AudioModeProvider.getInstance().getMute() != mPreviousMuteState) { if (getUi() == null) { return; } muteClicked(mPreviousMuteState); } mAutomaticallyMuted = false; } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); outState.putBoolean(KEY_AUTOMATICALLY_MUTED, mAutomaticallyMuted); outState.putBoolean(KEY_PREVIOUS_MUTE_STATE, mPreviousMuteState); } @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { mAutomaticallyMuted = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_AUTOMATICALLY_MUTED, mAutomaticallyMuted); mPreviousMuteState = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_PREVIOUS_MUTE_STATE, mPreviousMuteState); super.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState); } public interface CallButtonUi extends Ui { void showButton(int buttonId, boolean show); void enableButton(int buttonId, boolean enable); void setEnabled(boolean on); void setMute(boolean on); void setHold(boolean on); void setCameraSwitched(boolean isBackFacingCamera); void setVideoPaused(boolean isPaused); void setAudio(int mode); void setSupportedAudio(int mask); void displayDialpad(boolean on, boolean animate); boolean isDialpadVisible(); /** * Once showButton() has been called on each of the individual buttons in the UI, call * this to configure the overflow menu appropriately. */ void updateButtonStates(); Context getContext(); } @Override public void onActiveCameraSelectionChanged(boolean isUsingFrontFacingCamera) { if (getUi() == null) { return; } getUi().setCameraSwitched(!isUsingFrontFacingCamera); } }