From ccca31529c07970e89419fb85a9e8153a5396838 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Eric Erfanian Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 16:32:36 -0800 Subject: Update dialer sources. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Test: Built package and system image. This change clobbers the old source, and is an export from an internal Google repository. The internal repository was forked form Android in March, and this change includes modifications since then, to near the v8 release. Since the fork, we've moved code from monolithic to independent modules. In addition, we've switched to Blaze/Bazel as the build sysetm. This export, however, still uses make. New dependencies have been added: - Dagger - Auto-Value - Glide - Libshortcutbadger Going forward, development will still be in Google3, and the Gerrit release will become an automated export, with the next drop happening in ~ two weeks. includes local modifications from ToT. Abridged changelog: Bug fixes ● Not able to mute, add a call when using Phone app in multiwindow mode ● Double tap on keypad triggering multiple key and tones ● Reported spam numbers not showing as spam in the call log ● Crash when user tries to block number while Phone app is not set as default ● Crash when user picks a number from search auto-complete list Visual Voicemail (VVM) improvements ● Share Voicemail audio via standard exporting mechanisms that support file attachment (email, MMS, etc.) ● Make phone number, email and web sites in VVM transcript clickable ● Set PIN before declining VVM Terms of Service {Carrier} ● Set client type for outbound visual voicemail SMS {Carrier} New incoming call and incall UI on older devices (Android M) ● Updated Phone app icon ● New incall UI (large buttons, button labels) ● New and animated Answer/Reject gestures Accessibility ● Add custom answer/decline call buttons on answer screen for touch exploration accessibility services ● Increase size of touch target ● Add verbal feedback when a Voicemail fails to load ● Fix pressing of Phone buttons while in a phone call using Switch Access ● Fix selecting and opening contacts in talkback mode ● Split focus for ‘Learn More’ link in caller id & spam to help distinguish similar text Other ● Backup & Restore for App Preferences ● Prompt user to enable Wi-Fi calling if the call ends due to out of service and Wi-Fi is connected ● Rename “Dialpad” to “Keypad” ● Show "Private number" for restricted calls ● Delete unused items (vcard, add contact, call history) from Phone menu Change-Id: I2a7e53532a24c21bf308bf0a6d178d7ddbca4958 --- InCallUI/res/values-eu/strings.xml | 195 ------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 195 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 InCallUI/res/values-eu/strings.xml (limited to 'InCallUI/res/values-eu/strings.xml') diff --git a/InCallUI/res/values-eu/strings.xml b/InCallUI/res/values-eu/strings.xml deleted file mode 100644 index c300c47cd..000000000 --- a/InCallUI/res/values-eu/strings.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ - - - - - "Telefonoa" - "Zain" - "Ezezaguna" - "Zenbaki pribatua" - "Telefono publikoa" - "Konferentzia-deia" - "Eten egin da deia" - "Bozgorailua" - "Aurikularrak" - "Kabledun entzungailua" - "Bluetooth konexioa" - "Tonu hauek bidali nahi dituzu?\n" - "Tonuak bidaltzen\n" - "Bidali" - "Bai" - "Ez" - "Ordeztu komodina honekin:" - "Konferentzia-deiaren ordua: %s" - "Erantzungailuaren zenbakia" - "Deitzen" - "Berriro markatzen" - "Konferentzia-deia" - "Dei bat jaso duzu" - "Laneko dei bat jaso duzu" - "Amaitu da deia" - "Zain" - "Deia amaitzen" - "Deia abian" - "Nire zenbakia %s da" - "Bideoa konektatzen" - "Bideo-deia" - "Bideo-deia eskatzen" - "Ezin da konektatu bideo-deia" - "Baztertu egin da bideo-deia egiteko eskaera" - "Dei-erantzunetarako zenbakia:\n %1$s" - "Larrialdi-dei bidez erantzuteko zenbakia:\n %1$s" - "Deitzen" - "Dei bat galdu duzu" - "Dei batzuk galdu dituzu" - "%s dei galdu dituzu" - "Deitzaile honen dei bat galdu duzu: %s" - "Deia abian da" - "Laneko dei bat abian da" - "Wi-Fi bidezko deia abian da" - "Wi-Fi bidezko laneko dei bat abian da" - "Zain" - "Dei bat jaso duzu" - "Laneko dei bat jaso duzu" - "Wi-Fi bidezko dei bat jaso duzu" - "Wi-Fi bidezko laneko dei bat jaso duzu" - "Bideo-dei bat jaso duzu" - "Ustezko spam-deia jaso duzu" - "Bideo-dei bat egiteko eskaera bat jaso duzu" - "Ahots-mezu berria" - "Ahots-mezu berriak (%d)" - "Markatu %s" - "Erantzungailuaren zenbakia ezezaguna da" - "Ez dago zerbitzurik" - "Hautatutako sarea (%s) ez dago erabilgarri" - "Erantzun" - "Amaitu deia" - "Bideo-deia" - "Ahots-deia" - "Onartu" - "Baztertu" - "Itzuli deia" - "Bidali SMSa" - "Dei bat abian da beste gailu batean" - "Transferitu deia" - "Deitzeko, desaktibatu hegaldi modua." - "Ez dago sarean erregistratuta." - "Sare mugikorra ez dago erabilgarri." - "Deitzeko, idatzi balio duen zenbaki bat." - "Ezin da deitu." - "MMI sekuentzia hasten…" - "Ez da onartzen zerbitzua." - "Ezin aldatu beste dei batera." - "Ezin da bereizi deia." - "Ezin da transferitu." - "Ezin da egin konferentzia-deia." - "Ezin da baztertu deia." - "Ezin dira amaitu deiak." - "SIP deia" - "Larrialdi-deia" - "Irratia pizten…" - "Ez dago zerbitzurik. Berriro saiatzen…" - "Ezin da deitu. %s ez da larrialdietarako zenbakia." - "Ezin da deitu. Markatu larrialdietarako zenbakia." - "Erabili teklatua markatzeko" - "Utzi deia zain" - "Berrekin deiari" - "Amaitu deia" - "Erakutsi markagailua" - "Ezkutatu markagailua" - "Desaktibatu audioa" - "Aktibatu audioa" - "Gehitu deia" - "Bateratu deiak" - "Aldatu" - "Kudeatu deiak" - "Kudeatu konferentzia-deia" - "Konferentzia-deia" - "Kudeatu" - "Audioa" - "Bideo-deia" - "Aldatu ahots-deira" - "Aldatu kamera" - "Aktibatu kamera" - "Desaktibatu kamera" - "Aukera gehiago" - "Abian da erreproduzigailua" - "Gelditu da erreproduzigailua" - "Ez dago prest kamera" - "Prest dago kamera" - "Dei-saioko gertaera ezezaguna" - "Zerbitzua" - "Konfigurazioa" - "<Ezarri gabe>" - "Deien beste ezarpen batzuk" - "%s bidez deitzen" - "%s bidez jasotzen" - "kontaktuaren argazkia" - "bihurtu pribatu" - "hautatu kontaktua" - "Idatzi zeure erantzuna…" - "Utzi" - "Bidali" - "Erantzun" - "Bidali SMS mezua" - "Baztertu" - "Erantzun bideo-dei moduan" - "Erantzun audio-dei moduan" - "Onartu bideo-deia egiteko eskaera" - "Baztertu bideo-deia egiteko eskaera" - "Onartu bideoa transmititzeko eskaera" - "Baztertu bideoa transmititzeko eskaera" - "Onartu bideo-deia jasotzeko eskaera" - "Baztertu bideo-deia jasotzeko eskaera" - "Lerratu gora hau egiteko: %s." - "Lerratu ezkerrera hau egiteko: %s." - "Lerratu eskuinera hau egiteko: %s." - "Lerratu behera hau egiteko: %s." - "Dardara" - "Dardara" - "Soinua" - "Soinu lehenetsia (%1$s)" - "Telefonoaren tonua" - "Egin dar-dar tonuak jotzean" - "Tonua eta dardara" - "Kudeatu konferentzia-deia" - "Larrialdietarako zenbakia" - "Profileko argazkia" - "Desaktibatuta dago kamera" - "%s zenbakitik" - "Bidali da oharra" - "Azken mezuak" - "Enpresaren informazioa" - "Hemendik %.1f miliara" - "Hemendik %.1f km-ra" - "%1$s, %2$s" - "%1$s%2$s" - "%1$s, %2$s" - "%s da biharko irekitze-ordua" - "%s da gaurko irekitze-ordua" - "%s da ixte-ordua" - "%s da gaurko itxiera-ordua" - "Irekita dago" - "Itxita dago" - "Ustezko spam-deitzailea" - "Deiaren amaiera: %1$s" - "Zenbaki honek deitu dizun lehen aldia izan da." - "Spam-igorle baten deia izan dela susmatu dugu." - "Salatu spama dela" - "Gehitu kontaktua" - "Ez da spama" - -- cgit v1.2.3