# iddd daemon type iddd, domain; type iddd_exec, exec_type, file_type; init_daemon_domain(iddd) type_transition iddd system_data_file:file iddd_file; allow iddd self:socket create_socket_perms; allow iddd iddd_file:sock_file { create setattr unlink write }; allow iddd iddd_file:fifo_file rw_file_perms; allow iddd iddd_file:file rw_file_perms; allow iddd iddd_file:file { create rename unlink }; allow iddd iddd_file:dir rw_file_perms; allow iddd iddd_file:dir { add_name create remove_name search }; # TODO: label the right way / Allow context change allow iddd system_file:file execute_no_trans; allow iddd iddd_exec:file execute_no_trans; # Allow iddd send to logd allow iddd logd:unix_stream_socket connectto; allow iddd logdr_socket:sock_file write; # Allow file system create (we use tmpfs now) allow iddd tmpfs:lnk_file read; allow iddd tmpfs:dir search; # Allow proc socket search allow iddd proc:file { getattr open read }; # Allow idd to read ro.semc allow iddd ta_prop:file { getattr open read }; # Allow reading via symlink allow iddd iddd_file:lnk_file { read };