# # Copyright (C) 2017 The LineageOS Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # on init export LD_SHIM_LIBS /system/vendor/lib/libwvm.so|libshims_wvm.so:/system/bin/credmgrd|libshims_signal.so:/system/bin/iddd|libshims_idd.so:/system/bin/suntrold|libshims_signal.so:/system/vendor/lib/libwvm.so|libdtcpipplayer.so mkdir /idd 0751 idd idd mkdir /rca 0750 idd idd on early-fs wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 class_start trimarea exec u:r:qti_init_shell:s0 -- /sbin/wait4tad_static on fs # mount apps_log #wait /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/apps_log #mount ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/apps_log /idd nosuid nodev noatime noexec barrier=0 discard chown idd idd /idd chmod 0751 /idd #exec /system/bin/rm -r /idd/lost+found symlink /idd /mnt/idd on early-boot #SONY early boot start ta_qmi_service start sct_service on boot # PM8941 flash chown cameraserver system /sys/class/misc/pm8941-flash/device/current1 chown cameraserver system /sys/class/misc/pm8941-flash/device/current2 chown cameraserver system /sys/class/misc/pm8941-flash/device/fault_status chown cameraserver system /sys/class/misc/pm8941-flash/device/fine_current1 chown cameraserver system /sys/class/misc/pm8941-flash/device/fine_current2 chown cameraserver system /sys/class/misc/pm8941-flash/device/flash_timer chown cameraserver system /sys/class/misc/pm8941-flash/device/mask_clamp_current chown cameraserver system /sys/class/misc/pm8941-flash/device/mask_enable chown cameraserver system /sys/class/misc/pm8941-flash/device/max_current chown cameraserver system /sys/class/misc/pm8941-flash/device/mode chown cameraserver system /sys/class/misc/pm8941-flash/device/startup_delay chown cameraserver system /sys/class/misc/pm8941-flash/device/strobe chown cameraserver system /sys/class/misc/pm8941-flash/device/vph_pwr_droop on post-fs # we will remap this as /mnt/sdcard with the sdcard fuse tool mkdir /data/misc/camera 0770 camera camera mkdir /data/misc/cameraserver 0700 cameraserver cameraserver # create directory for scd mkdir /dev/socket/scd 0755 system system mkdir /data/scd 0755 system system on post-fs-data # SONY: Start early TA-users mkdir /data/etc 0755 root shell exec -- /system/bin/taimport mkdir /data/media 0770 media_rw media_rw # SONY: Create dir for Widevine keybox mkdir /data/persist/wv 0700 system system mkdir /data/misc/systemkeys 0700 system system mkdir /data/misc/keystore 0700 keystore keystore mkdir /data/misc/keychain 0771 system system installkey /data mkdir /idd/lost+found 0770 root root mkdir /idd/output 0755 idd idd mkdir /idd/socket 0711 idd idd mkdir /idd/startup-prober 0700 root root restorecon_recursive /idd # SONY: Camera mkdir /data/camera 0770 media camera chown media camera /sys/devices/sony_camera_0/info chmod 0770 /sys/devices/sony_camera_0/info chown media camera /sys/devices/sony_camera_1/info chmod 0770 /sys/devices/sony_camera_1/info # SONY: Import MiscTA to System properties exec -- /system/bin/taimport property setprop init.taimport.ready true # taimport ready, use this as trigger for multi-cdf-symlinker # create credmgrinit log file touch /cache/credmgr.log restorecon -R /cache/credmgr.log service taimport /system/bin/taimport class late_start user root group system oneshot service iddd /system/bin/iddd class main user idd group idd log inet # This script init /cache/CredentialManagerData if /data/credmgr doesn't meet our requirements service initcredmgr /system/bin/credmgrfirstboot.sh class late_start user system group credmgr_client oneshot # When credmgrfirstboot is ready it set sys.credmgrdready=true. # Start credmgrd after that on property:sys.credmgrdready=true start credmgrd # Start Credential manager daemon service credmgrd /system/bin/credmgrd user system group credmgr_client socket credmgr stream 0660 system credmgr_client disabled # Secure Config Transfer service service sct_service /system/bin/sct_service user root disabled # Trim Area QMI service service ta_qmi_service /system/bin/ta_qmi_service user ta_qmi group ta_qmi trimarea system root net_raw wakelock disabled service scd /system/bin/scd class late_start user system group system #service wvkbd_installer /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/wvkbd service wvkbd_installer /system/bin/wvkbd user system group system oneshot disabled # All services that use qseecomd daemon listeners should # start on sys.listeners.registered property to make sure that # all of its service listeners are registered before calling them on property:sys.listeners.registered=true start wvkbd_installer #service qcamerasvr /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/mm-qcamera-daemon service qcamerasvr /system/bin/mm-qcamera-daemon class late_start user camera # group camera system inet input graphics group camera system inet input graphics credmgr_client cameraserver # seclabel u:r:mm-qcamerad:s0 # SONY: TrimArea Daemon # Last 2 args: start block(blk size 128k), number of blocks(partitionsize(kb)/128(kb)) service tad_static /sbin/tad_static /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/TA 0,16 #service tad_static /sbin/tad_static /data/credmgr/ta_part.bin 0,16 class trimarea user tad group tad trimarea root socket tad stream 0770 system trimarea # tad_static is in rootfs, normal file_context does not work seclabel u:r:tad:s0 service updatemiscta /system/bin/updatemiscta class main user updatemiscta group trimarea oneshot